How's the weather?

storm ciara has hit us in the north east of the uk 80 mph winds raining bad bins are flying around trees are down an amber alert has just gone up(threat to life)
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On Thursday and Friday, we were under tornado warnings and taking cover while in school. The rain was pouring heavily and it was hot.
This weekend, we got a small amount of snow and it was freezing all day Saturday.
Today is Sunday, and it is sunny and supposed to get hot.
This week is expected to be hot and rainy, and then it gets cold and rainy.
Alabama is definitely bipolar.
alls well atm storm ciara has passed over now a few ppl lost their homes a few collapsed im ok tho so dont panic i live on eston hills alls cool
storm ciara has passed but storm derek is on its way hope its not like the beast from the east we got burried under 8 feet of snow we got hit the hardest
It's hot and humid, also pretty heavy thunderstorms. Luckily, midday Thursday a cold front is expected to come and put us in the 50s again. I can't wait.