If I had a penny for every time..

If I had a penny for every good person I’ve met. Well. I’d still just have a handful of pennies.
if I had a penny for every spam call I’ve ever gotten. Ffs. How tf do they have my info even? ?
If I had a penny for everytime someone called me Alexandra in an email I’d be rich.

Same with “where abouts in Ireland are you from?” 🥲
if i had a penny for everytime audrey (kronic) says some depraved sh*t like this;


i'd be able to buy five bmw 7 series 🍭
If I had a penny for every piece of hilarity I’ve seen created through memes on chat Ave… I’d be king fuggin Midas himself
If I had a penny for each time I was asked 'are you really a bitch', I'd be one rich bitch
id ask r u really the vodka in the pfp?

if i had a penny for every time ppl break promises to me id have a million pennies which is really only $10,000 but thats stil good
If I had a penny for everytime I had a post reported, deleted, edited including infracted, warned and banned, I’d own this site.

Give me munny