Advice advice


Active Member
So, imagine like, you're in a tough situation. That you can't get ya self out of. The best thing to do, is to keep going, don't stop for anything. And if life brings ya down again, get back up. Bending to life's will is not how we humans roll.
So, be yourself, get back on that metaphorical horse, grab your sword, and invade most of the world. Just like the Mongols. Be proud of who you are, and don't listen to what others think unless it's positive.

Thanks for coming to me TedTalk luvs. 🌸
I find if life is getting you down or something is on your mind and you are worried for me it vital that I take a step back from things and review my hole situation see what I can do differently to improve my mood its so vital that you stay ture to yourself no matter what is going around you stand by morals and what you believe in, be kind to others even to people you mite not get on with because things have a way of changing for the better and you mite just find a friend, don't be quick to judge other's or yourself we are all human and made mistakes some more than others, make time for yourself do things that you enjoy try to be positive in every thing you do I not expecting you to be a super positive bunny jumping all over the place put there will be days when things will seem darker and not to look into darkness because you won't see any light, take a step back think that you can do to make things better and when you do it the darkness is still there you have to keep doing it on till its gone, it mite take a few days put stay at it believing in that things will get better if I keep doing the right thing will work just don't give up on yourself you are worth the effort and you are more powerful than you know every person has it in them to battle anything that comes your way I believe in you and I know you have it with it takes to find the light again, I love you all be safe