Advice on narcissist ex..


New Member
Hello, I've recently come out of an abusive/toxic relationship and don't know what to do as we share a child. I'm not sure if I can trust him to look after my child adequately! Does anyone have any stories or insights that may help or resonate? Much appreciated
Hello, I've recently come out of an abusive/toxic relationship and don't know what to do as we share a child. I'm not sure if I can trust him to look after my child adequately! Does anyone have any stories or insights that may help or resonate? Much appreciated
Do your best to work to work with him and allow him the trust he earns. So important for both parents to be on same page but also watch his behaviors closely. I'm a parent who was watched and judged and didn't like it but my lifestyle was the reason but spending time with my kids was crucial for our current relationship.