anyone have preferences in mysql,sqlite, or other database systems lol?


Teen Chat Mod
Staff member
anyone have preferences in mysql,sqlite, or other database systems lol?
i like sqlite whenever i do anything...but only because i'm lazy and only halfass build things in MVP state of things
none of my chatbots use a database yet
I haven't made a chatbot yet lol, definitely kinda want to in a way lol but I would have to do it on another chat otherwise I would have the CM knocking at my pms with a ban lol (already got warned by him once).
on a little sidenote,i think it would be rather funny to implement ai into a chatbot lol i have been looking into the ai aspect with python for a while now.
none of my bots interact with the chat...they do other things...and there's no way for them to know it's a bot
lol when I was on kc Ave I had a bot that recorded the chat messages of anything that needed to be kicked so if I wasn't online I would get a notification to come kick it, but other then that I never really did anything with bots
it's all post request...just gotta be able to grab your session token and cookie...with the cloudflare variables so it doesn't get blocked