banned for "selling" wasn't selling anything

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Mundo and the teenchat room. I was talking about how zaza would be and I got banned for the reason "selling" idk how to post the screenshot.

Mundo and the teenchat room. I was talking about how zaza would be and I got banned for the reason "selling" idk how to post the screenshot.
I wasn't selling anything.
So does that mean that the ban has been removed or am I still banned
It looks as though you were kicked, not banned. You may however be banned for selling, but that's up to @Seyma to decide. @butterfliez has posted a screenshot of your profile where you very clearly state, "I sell ****." @Seyma will be by as time allows to address your concerns. In the meantime, you're welcome to voice a counter argument as to why "I sell ****" does not mean "I sell ****."
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