Black heads shall die


New Member
Anyone have tips on how to get rid of all the black heads on my nose? I hate them, and those pore strips don't work for me.. :(
You need a gentle daily exfoliant like Dermalogica's Daily Microfoliant, a gentle calming cleanser that is oil free, and something that is going to actually treat the bacteria build up causing the blackheads... something like Ultraceutical's Ultra Brightening Serum, only every second to third night.

The key is to keep up with your skin care routine day and night... Nothing to harsh because it will only increase oil flow and thus black head production.

A facial with extractions is also the best way to start.

Hope this helps!
Elmer's glue and charcoal powder. I used it every once in a while for blackheads. It's a little uncomfortable when you're pulling it off but it's totally worth it!