create an investing app


New Member
Hello, I have to create an investing app. because I want to start my investing company. So please tell me about this
How to Create an Investment App: Steps to Follow
  1. Step #1. Do a market research.
  2. Step #2. Consider the compliances.
  3. Step #3. Hire a development team.
  4. Step #4. Make a feature list.
  5. Step #5. Create an attractive UI/UX design.
  6. Step #6. Pick the technologies.
  7. Step #7. Develop your app.
  8. Step #8. Deploy your investment app.
I would suggest starting by putting the idea down on paper as clearly as you can. Then start to look for a prototyping tool on the Internet that can create a detailed, screen-by-screen mock-up version of the app. Once you're clear about your demands, go and seek out a company that can design and develop it for you.
When my brother was creating his first app, he didn't know anything. The main thing for him was his motivation. He learned on his own, by searching the info on the internet, discovering tutorials about how to turn an idea into a business. There is enough information in an open access nowadays.
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