I'd just leave

Things to do when bored...

1) Crochet
2) Croquet - it sounds like crochet so why not
3) A 5000 word essay on Why it is hard to make friends when you look like Shrek
4) Ponder the answer of Dividing By Zero
5) Tinder - although if you live in the middle of nowhere you might get your cousin as a match
6) Wear a skirt and sing I'm a Barbie Girl by Aqua. If female dress up as a bloke dressing up as a female... same effect
7) Go to your nearest city and tell everyone you love them. Best way to make new friends and/or get locked up
8) Dad jokes. The more inventive the better
9) Ponder the existence of lycra
10) Get in a pointless fight on whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie
11) Have Pineapple on Pizza, and brag about it to people who don't care or have an opinion on the matter
12) Flirt with a nurse
13) Talk on a mobile phone in a loud voice on a train. If your area is Third World (like Tasmania) do that on a bus
14) Learn German by only playing Rammstein songs. Eisbrecher optional
15) Do Six 5000 piece jigsaw puzzles that some muppet decided to scramble into one box.
16) Go in an elevator and mash all the floor buttons
17) Create a crossword puzzle where all questions are related to porn
18) Argue the existence of god to a policeman after getting a fine for speeding
19) Play GTA Online without dropping the C-bomb on mic
20) Bake a cake with the least amount of ingredients possible

All these can be done whilst in a chat room. Cool eh?
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Things to do when bored...

1) Crochet
2) Croquet - it sounds like crochet so why not
3) A 5000 word essay on Why it is hard to make friends when you look like Shrek
4) Ponder the answer of Dividing By Zero
5) Tinder - although if you live in the middle of nowhere you might get your cousin as a match
6) Wear a skirt and sing I'm a Barbie Girl by Aqua. If female dress up as a bloke dressing up as a female... same effect
7) Go to your nearest city and tell everyone you love them. Best way to make new friends and/or get locked up
8) Dad jokes. The more inventive the better
9) Ponder the existence of lycra
10) Get in a pointless fight on whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie
11) Have Pineapple on Pizza, and brag about it to people who don't care or have an opinion on the matter
12) Flirt with a nurse
13) Talk on a mobile phone in a loud voice on a train. If your area is Third World (like Tasmania) do that on a bus
14) Learn German by only playing Rammstein songs. Eisbrecher optional
15) Do Six 5000 piece jigsaw puzzles that some muppet decided to scramble into one box.
16) Go in an elevator and mash all the floor buttons
17) Create a crossword puzzle where all questions are related to porn
18) Argue the existence of god to a policeman after getting a fine for speeding
19) Play GTA Online without dropping the C-bomb on mic
20) Bake a cake with the least amount of ingredients possible

All these can be done whilst in a chat room. Cool eh?
Could we do this togetha ? ;)
Learning German by listening to Rammstein was actually one of the things I did while I was in my German class and I still listen to them to this day so I can learn more. You can also plead the fifth 😂