Just sad how it all turns out...


New Member
Am I the only one that gets sick and tired that pervs are being platformed?

Instead of us being able to talk make friends and vibe with each other, people accuse and bait and mods on their alts are asking for older guys to pm them in main.

Tgen you ask a perv or zoophile to stop posting their **** in main only to be told they baiting. Even with no mod online. I call bullshit.

Maybe the kids chat should be renamed to perv hunting and strong talking chat and sadly a new room needs to be made.

P S Dont get me wrong. I hate pervs too. I hate them being there. But I wanna enjoy my time there and not make it about them.

Lemme know if I'm wrong or am talking ****. Really wanna get an idea
I agree with this... a bit too much attention is given to them. Report, wait for kick, and move on. The chat really is a complete mess half the time.
wish it was less pervs/bots and more real people but till then the bots and pervs.
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