My new bio!


Active Member
Welcome to my generic Chat-Avenue bio! Here are some things to know about me:

[insert my gender, age, and location]

[insert my obscure sexual orientation, my weird sexual fetishes, and any mental illnesses I have diagnosed myself with]

[insert my preferred musical artists, product brands, video games, or whatever consumerist habits I base my personality around]

And now in order to really distinguish me as a unique individual here is a copy paste of some ASCII art I found on Reddít!

Please pm me!
Here are some additional phrases, that you can download to this template as DLC:

"don't pm me with hi or hey! be interesting!"
"no socials!"
"I'm taken by [insert some username] and i love them so much and blah blah blah!"
-insert some edgy lyrics from whatever song you're currently listening to
-write down some notes about your random niche political ideology that you courageously decided to adopt