Seeking for mp3 to text converter

Many free video related products will either put a time limit on how long you are able to use them or place a watermark on the video output until you pay for a full version of the software. It can be annoying when you are looking for a free video converter for a quick job and everything you download has one, or both, of these limits.
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I have hundreds of audio files (mp3) of a teaching course and because of copyright,etc, we are not permitted to upload the files. Therefore, I need to be able to convert the audio/speech to text offline Is anybody here how I can do it fast?

I'm using the 360converter. Working fine, not without problems ( sometimes the text is complete nonsense and need proofreading ) but fort most cases works fine
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Hello. It was very interesting for me to read your feedback. Can you help me? I'm looking for an app that converts text from a picture. I need it for my studies, it is my main problem lately.
Hi. It's very simple... I used to look for such an app or site too, because pdf format often prohibits copying text. One day I came across an app that has a text recognition feature and I realized that's what I needed. I am still using this app because it is very versatile. I'm sure it will help you with a lot of text conversion problems. Good luck!
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