Super Bowl

Who wins?

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I liked it but not as much as Bruce Springsteen because thats my type of music and Ive never liked R&B. Born to Run is imprinted in my mind as the Giants theme that whole season. They were doubted after every road win to the Superbowl and every team they beat were Superbowl winners in previous seasons. Even during the press conferences and pre-game picks, no one bELIeved in the Giants and Eli Manning. The biggest take away was Plaxico's prediction and he was spot on, 21 - 17 to which this was the response by Brady :

The Superbowl last night is being discussed as one of the best, and it was great but no, not at all. I try not to be a homer but the 2007 Superbowl is considered one of the best and to me and many critics simply because of the storyline. Brady was untouchable, undefeated, put up record breaking numbers with Moss (the only time he had a game changer at WR) amd RAN UP scores to stat pad because no defense could stop them. It embodied the whole fact of what Strahan, believe it and it will happen. Have confidence and faith in yourself against all odds.

If the 49ers won, it'd be a much better feeling, instead the final drive, they just made too many mistakes and Purdy should have had that TD buy showed rookie mistakes the entire game, despite playing very good.

The commercials sucked and being an Arnold fan, that's the only commercial I liked. The commercials went from wholesome to capitalistic marketing disguised as wholesome and wtf was with that Kennedy ad? The guys a nut job who believes Covid is a hoax and repeats a lot of qAnon conspiracies that got him banned on YT. I'm just glad no Israel ads came on that I see on Hulu. Those drive me nuts.][/MEDIA]
Literally have never watched a "superbowl". But that time they baited playing "sweet victory" and instead used some fuckin rapper, that was a kick In the teeth and I dont even care about football. That's by far the worst, so no

(Edit: maroon 5 instead too... need I say anything more)
I thought it was a pretty good halftime show for usher, beautiful outfits, great dancing, great singing performance. I personally don't like a mashup performance, I do prefer an artist sing 3-4 full songs instead of sing 20 seconds of 10 songs
that game sucked ballz*.

*(see the z?! not to be confused with the word that starts with a T to name the male internal egg shaped gland(s) that produces sperm and hormones.)
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