We need help in kids chat please

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This seems to be an ongoing issue in the morning hours of Kids Chat. Unfortunately, the worst time for me personally to log on Kids Chat is in the morning. The most likely mods to log on at this time of day is Shelbie and Huskies479, and they will resolve this issue whenever they can momentarily. Thank you for being patient, as we're trying our best to make Kids Chat a safe place to chat!

do not forget, we have our own lives as well. I work from 7am-3pm during the week now. so i will more than likely be on late evening.

This is shelbie, btw
I hate to have to state the obvious but I will anyway, there is just no possible way to blanket cover the room on a 24/7 basis, there is always going to be gaps in the coverage and issues that arise from those gaps.

That is one reason there is an ignore button. And think about this, if you screenshot all the overage or rule-breaking activity and send that to any moderator or me they can be dealt with even after the offense has already taken place, so that would be my suggestion.
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