Why is there a limit on reporting user to mod or admin when they are not in the chat room.

Why is there a limit on reporting user to mod or admin when they are not in the chat room.

Hello, one of the main reasons is to prevent people who may abuse the reporting feature from doing so. Also, itā€™s just a temporary limit. Once youā€™ve reached your limit you just need to wait a bit then you can report again. Hope that helps.
Hello, one of the main reasons is to prevent people who may abuse the reporting feature from doing so. Also, itā€™s just a temporary limit. Once youā€™ve reached your limit you just need to wait a bit then you can report again. Hope that helps.
The only the limit is gone down is when admin, and/or mod they are in the room.
I think it'd help to increase some of those limits. Also, it'd be nice for both the person reporting and the person handling reports if it was only possible to report a post once. That way, staff isn't slammed with duplicates, the person reporting gets feedback and doesn't "waste" a report on something already flagged, and abuse can be limited further to prevent "spam-reporting." Edit: It could give the person reporting a pop-up that says, "This content has already been reported. Thank you."