why Israel has the right to exist

Israel has the right to exist for reasons: (i want you to say) i know a few but id like you guys to state some and i will start stating some later or if the anti Israel, anti Semites start overflowing this.

Well... becuse in 1948, they applied to the current/rightful landowners, and got approval to settle & own the land.

Just like the US had gained Alaska, (from Canada & Russia) before, in the same way as California (from Mexico) ...and Puerto Rico was GIVEN to them from Spain ...

Just because you don't like who your former neighbor sold the ir house/appartment to; does not take the right of the new landowner to live on the house/appartment they just purchased...

Legally purchased through political capital...That's why Israel has a righ tto exist...
Israel has the right to exist because without it we wouldnt have @babydolla 's tooth gap.



