The First Annual CA Art Competition

i asked the Huggingface AI Comic generator to create something for me...
The Prompt: users fighting an epic battle among themselves
Character descriptions: super nerds and basement dwellers

Image 1

Image 2

seems pretty accurate
Did AI generate the text as well? Very impressive if so.
And it knew about the new layout. 😭
I asked it to generate more...maybe this will become a series...

prompt: After the long and tedious battle on chatroom, the survivors look at what's left and wonder if it was even worth it
the character description: super nerds and basement dwellers, beaten and bruised

Image 3

Image 4
I asked it to generate more...maybe this will become a series...

prompt: After the long and tedious battle on chatroom, the survivors look at what's left and wonder if it was even worth it
the character description: super nerds and basement dwellers, beaten and bruised

Image 3

Image 4
is today the day it becomes self aware???

ps. daniel....great addition.

O Stale one, O Stale one, how moldy are your drawings, Not only green in jealousy, But also amateur crap and waxy. O Stale one, O Stale one, how moldy are your drawings

Reminder to all that there is a real art competition -> here <- which isn't run by a dictating massdebater that will declare himself the winner
Quoted before said massdebater gets it removed
I’d like to conclude this year’s art competition by thanking all entrants but the time has arrived to announce the winning entrant.

id like to submit my piece


this is Orange Chicken, surprisingly he is the long lost twin of @David NY. as you can see hes trying to sneak away from a crime scene where there was an attempted murder of a christmas tree.

Huge congratulations to @purplerose with such a creative piece of feline art. Well done

Way To Go Good Job GIF by Dirty Bandits
@Inkandtatts thank you thank you thank you!!! oh my gosh! this is just the best. im shocked!

*pulls out acceptance speech*


id 1st like to thank @Kim for being so down to earth and pointing out the oddities while keeping calm cool and collected
2nd @StubleU great submission!! 3rd place should be a shoe in for you!
last but not least a xtra big thank you goes out to @SouporMan for once again procrastinating and allowing me to swoop in and claim another award. not to worry big man, imma s/s this one and make sure i post it all over forums so this time no one will forget its mine and not actually yours.

finally to all those struggling artists out there . dont ever be afraid to go out on a limb and create what makes you happy! and remember ms paint will make whatever you create look like absolute sh!t so dont turn into a try hard!

❤️ 2 all
@Inkandtatts thank you thank you thank you!!! oh my gosh! this is just the best. im shocked!

*pulls out acceptance speech*


id 1st like to thank @Kim for being so down to earth and pointing out the oddities while keeping calm cool and collected
2nd @StubleU great submission!! 3rd place should be a shoe in for you!
last but not least a xtra big thank you goes out to @SouporMan for once again procrastinating and allowing me to swoop in and claim another award. not to worry big man, imma s/s this one and make sure i post it all over forums so this time no one will forget its mine and not actually yours.

finally to all those struggling artists out there . dont ever be afraid to go out on a limb and create what makes you happy! and remember ms paint will make whatever you create look like absolute sh!t so dont turn into a try hard!

❤️ 2 all
...and thanks to @purplerose for mentioning my long lost twin brother, whos' picture I've enclosed...

cat mug shot christmas tree.jpg
My Hell

Wandering the deep dark halls
Under the gaze of mindless thralls
Evil heat burning my face
Hell after me all on mass
Ghosts of the inane haunting me
Evil things I just can not flee
Darkened forests bereft of light
Hungry eyes watch me take flight
Can someone bring the light to me
Save me from things I can not see
Bring the light upon my flight
From self that lacks delight

Deep in this cavern of fire
No good seen to inspire
Seeing others without my fate
That brings me to self hate
Skeletons of the failures driving forth
Failing to help me morph
Into what's good and right
Please is anyone here who can give me sight
Can someone bring the light to me
Save me from things I can not see
Bring the light upon my flight
From self that lacks delight