The First Annual CA Art Competition


Gay Chat Admin
Staff member
Chat Room Administrator
My Fellow Chat Avenuers,

This thread is born following the oppression and dictatorial nature of the creator of a competition which appeared at first to be similar to this but which when viewed closely was simply a means for that specimen to engineer a successful outcome only for himself whilst stymieing the creativity of others particularly those with beliefs that opposed his own. Some of the views held by the creator of that competition align with those of Nazi Germany and the actions of that person are, in my opinion, equivalent to those of other dictators.

Unlike the dictatorial competition, this one does not require that you force canvas to somehow produce ink or paint and it does not require that you use a pencil. All forms of art are acceptable. The winner will be declared based on the highest number of positive reactions to their artwork.

These dictators stymie creativity not merely to end creativity, but to disrupt and end a way of life. With every atrocity, they hope that Chat Avenueers grow fearful, retreating from the world and forsaking our friends. They stand against us, because we stand in their way. We are not deceived by their pretenses to piety.

We shall fight them by pencils; we shall fight them by paint; we shall fight them in our creativity, until, with God's help, we have rid the Avenue of their shadow and liberated its people from their yoke. Any member who fights with their artworks against the stymying of creativity will have our aid.

And so, my fellow ********: ask not what the Avenue can do for youβ€”ask what you can do for the Avenue. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what the Avenue will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of all artists.

Your imagination, your initiative, and your indignation will determine whether we build a society where progress is the servant of our needs, or a society where old values and new visions are buried under unbridled growth. For in your time we have the opportunity to move not only toward the rich society and the powerful society, but upward to the Great Society.

May God bless you and may God bless these United ******** of The Avenue

TL;DR: Post something artistic :)
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id like to submit my piece


this is Orange Chicken, surprisingly he is the long lost twin of @David NY. as you can see hes trying to sneak away from a crime scene where there was an attempted murder of a christmas tree.
@Inkandtatts im particularly fond of the hairy... eyeballs... the penciling work gave me joy, i may have let out a little giggle.

Thank you for this. It's just what I needed after my art was removed from the other thread and described as "low effort". I put a lot of effort into those eyelashes

id like to submit my piece


this is Orange Chicken, surprisingly he is the long lost twin of @David NY. as you can see hes trying to sneak away from a crime scene where there was an attempted murder of a christmas tree.

This is superb. I'm a fan of how it appears Orange Chicken is expressing his farts onto a Christmas tree
Thank you for this. It's just what I needed after my art was removed from the other thread and described as "low effort". I put a lot of effort into those eyelashes

This is superb. I'm a fan of how it appears Orange Chicken is expressing his farts onto a Christmas tree
farts or HIS TAIL.. its all art in the eyes of the beholder....
Oh I see now. The color choice and the direction of the strokes made me think perhaps one of those wet farts but now I see the colorful tail
hes a ginger! my color Platte on didnt include orange #6. it included haha were labeling this orange but its really gold. sux2bu #pay4oursite&youllgetorange
id like to submit my piece


this is Orange Chicken, surprisingly he is the long lost twin of @David NY. as you can see hes trying to sneak away from a crime scene where there was an attempted murder of a christmas tree.
Um why are his back legs back to front and his nose is missing , no wonder the cats p!ssed off.
Um why are his back legs back to front and his nose is missing , no wonder the cats p!ssed off.
i couldnt fit the nose and giant tongue mouth all on... one had to go...

his back legs are still staring down the evil christmas tree making sure it doesnt come and attack him while hes leaving ( its been known to do that)

EDIT: attack not attach...
Can't upload images.
I don't know why on some threads I can and on others I can't unless I up load them to a third party site.
i asked the Huggingface AI Comic generator to create something for me...
The Prompt: users fighting an epic battle among themselves
Character descriptions: super nerds and basement dwellers

Image 1

Image 2

seems pretty accurate
I could be Lily. If you have seen me with Green hair.