Leaving the general chat due to ongoing moderator abuse

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Goodbye all

New Member
Hello everyone,

I joined the general chat with the hope of finding peace and making new friends, but I feel intimidated by the persistent abuse of power by some moderators and their partial treatment of users. On numerous occasions, I've witnessed instances where friends of the mods violate rules without any consequences, while others are kicked or muted for the same infractions. Some moderators seem to believe they are above the rules, having held their positions for many years without any accountability, intimidating users in the process.

I believe implementing term limits for moderators, such as six months or one year, would promote impartiality and kindness.

I'm not here to complain or argue; I simply believe the system should be changed to benefit newcomers. Thank you all, and goodbye 😊
Most of the rules are made to be applied as a moderator sees fit. Therefore the moderator can choose who to apply them to and who not to. Thats why there is such a high rate of abuse.

I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy your experience but I can assure you none of the mods of the room play favorites ANYONE can be actioned if a rule is broken. But it seems you’ve made up your mind I hope you try it out again in the near future take care and have a great weekend
thats the problem. choosing who will be actioned, despite rules being broken.
As was seen in the thread last night with sean the weasel repeatedly abusing his moderator position because hes a weak male.
All of it now deleted thanks to the fair and just administration that likes to paint their own narrative.
Hello everyone,

I joined the general chat with the hope of finding peace and making new friends, but I feel intimidated by the persistent abuse of power by some moderators and their partial treatment of users. On numerous occasions, I've witnessed instances where friends of the mods violate rules without any consequences, while others are kicked or muted for the same infractions. Some moderators seem to believe they are above the rules, having held their positions for many years without any accountability, intimidating users in the process.

I believe implementing term limits for moderators, such as six months or one year, would promote impartiality and kindness.

I'm not here to complain or argue; I simply believe the system should be changed to benefit newcomers. Thank you all, and goodbye 😊

I think You are making a few assumptions. There is no way for users to see/know all the actions the room mods take on anyone. Im not sure what you mean by "some mods believe they are above the rules"

having held their positions for many years without any accountability, intimidating users in the process.

The room mods are accountable to myself, and we are all accountable to owners/CM.

I believe implementing term limits for moderators, such as six months or one year, would promote impartiality and kindness.

Its good to have experienced mods, this has been suggested before but arbitrarily changing mods would just cause turnover and deprive users of consistency - and I would deprived of sound advice/experience. On kindness- I agree. Thats a quality I admire and want in mods. One mod defended my not banning a user, just before christmas- other mods help users behind the scenes who get merclessly trolled

their partial treatment of users

I realize it can appear that way at times. Much of what they do is subjective, but they earned the trust to use their discretion.

my DMs open as I hope you reconsider leaving.
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I think You are making a few assumptions. There is no way for users to see/know all the actions the room mods take on anyone.
There is when you are blatantly reporting a user, and the moderator is simply deleting their posts but not warning,muting or kicking them. But warning muting and kicking you for the same things. That is preferential treatment.
The room mods are accountable to myself, and we are all accountable to owners/CM.
If admins were accountable to CM we would have no admins. Theres a reason when people complain about admins the admins response is "contact CM" ie. "pound sand".
I realize it can appear that way at times Much of what they do is subjective, but they are entrusted with discretion they earned.
Not when their abuse is posted on forums, or when admins hire less than 30 day old accounts like they do in vgc. What is earned? Maybe you are speaking for your room but i can ASSURE you its not sitewide.

Go look at the deleted comments in yesterdays thread and then tell me this is earned.

There is when you are blatantly reporting a user, and the moderator is simply deleting their posts but not warning,muting or kicking them. But warning muting and kicking you for the same things. That is preferential treatment.

If admins were accountable to CM we would have no admins. Theres a reason when people complain about admins the admins response is "contact CM" ie. "pound sand".

Not when their abuse is posted on forums, or when admins hire less than 30 day old accounts like they do in vgc. What is earned? Maybe you are speaking for your room but i can ASSURE you its not sitewide.

Go look at the deleted comments in yesterdays thread and then tell me this is earned.

You're literally gonna sit there and use a post where the user literally went off saying "I'm so glad this person is dead" as your proof that moderators abuse their powers? Statements like that about a users friend would be considered harassment in every room and would warrant a kick if they didn't stop when told to.

And as for not actioning the other users calling out the user who made the vile statement, that isn't favouritism. I'd probably read up on a post before you try to use it as evidence to support your unfounded argument.
You're literally gonna sit there and use a post where the user literally went off saying "I'm so glad this person is dead" as your proof that moderators abuse their powers? Statements like that about a users friend would be considered harassment in every room and would warrant a kick if they didn't stop when told to.

And as for not actioning the other users calling out the user who made the vile statement, that isn't favouritism. I'd probably read up on a post before you try to use it as evidence to support your unfounded argument.
Learn to read dipshit.

Theres a reason i told the admin to look at the DELETED COMMENTS.


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