2024 Chat Avenue Awards Results

That’s one way the other way I can’t say it here but I’m on borderline to do it to you I want to so bad
Why are you always so angry? Take a deep breath, pop a pill or two, wash it down with a lovely adult beverage, and smile. Because if you end up having a heart attack, I ain't taking the blame
Why are you always so angry? Take a deep breath, pop a pill or two, wash it down with a lovely adult beverage, and smile. Because if you end up having a heart attack, I ain't taking the blame
I’m not going to have a heart attack I’m 33 years old I’m sexy I’m in goodish health I don’t need ur fucking input
Show em your pink cane. That’ll teach them!
Her walking cane to make sure she doesn't fall off the curb? Tap tap tap...
Eyes GIF
Rev don’t worry about me and you flea bitten ugly looking fucking gremlins STOP committing on my treads you are honestly you most ugliest looking bunch of tfuckers I’ve ever seen in my life
Not only do you look like something out of Avatar, you also don't appear to have very poor hygiene. We get it, no one finds you attractive and it upsets you so you go after other people's/women looks. You're nor fooling anyone. There's a reason you got dumped by Chucky who is pure filth.
Not only do you look like something out of Avatar, you also don't appear to have very poor hygiene. We get it, no one finds you attractive and it upsets you so you go after other people's/women looks. You're nor fooling anyone. There's a reason you got dumped by Chucky who is pure filth.
You definitely find her attractive