A Theory of Beauty

Probably a mixture of culture and evolution. We are wired to seek out a partner with genetic superiority; physical attractiveness (or "beauty" if you will) is one of the indicators. We distinguish the pretties from the uglies because it helps us find ones whom we think are "fitter" and are better equipped to propagate our genes in the long run. Very few would be willing to settle for someone who looks deformed or retarded and so we go out of our way to make ourselves look prettier than the next person (Make up, clothes, gym, accessories, etc). In that sense, culture helps conjure up an image that is universally accepted as being "pretty" and most people strive towards that.
Probably a mixture of culture and evolution. We are wired to seek out a partner with genetic superiority; physical attractiveness (or "beauty" if you will) is one of the indicators. We distinguish the pretties from the uglies because it helps us find ones whom we think are "fitter" and are better equipped to propagate our genes in the long run. Very few would be willing to settle for someone who looks deformed or retarded and so we go out of our way to make ourselves look prettier than the next person (Make up, clothes, gym, accessories, etc). In that sense, culture helps conjure up an image that is universally accepted as being "pretty" and most people strive towards that.
I liked this answer ^^

I have been very surprised and shocked at some ppls. idea of beauty .
I think beauty is a feeling . with a lot of judgement and evaluation . :eek:k:
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For me it has a lot to do with personality. For example, if a really psychically attractive person has a terrible attitude/personality i don't find them as attractive as i did before i got to know them. Vise versa for the uglies. Personality can make it or break it.

What she said makes sense to me more than the others.
Is the idea of a "beautiful" being merely a reflection of "normalcy" of the facial features or physical proportions, or is it merely the idea of cultural influence?

I believe beauty is both a mixture of cultural influence as well as of evolutionary origins.

Different cultures have different idea what is considered 'beautiful', not always globally consistent. Example of that is fashion, piercing, rituals, etc.

Evolution may play a strong obscure role in what we call 'beauty'.

1) There is a general notion that the bigger the boob the female has, the better. This may have its origin from the perception that the bigger the boob, the more milk can be provided to the offspring - hence increasing the offspring chances of survival.

2) The attraction of physique in men may also be an evolutionary trait. The more a man seems 'muscular', 'taller' or 'larger' the more likely he will be perceive by females as a good provider for his family. In short, Strength = good provider.

3) There are two ideas for the size of the dong. The preference for the size of the dong may be originated in which that the bigger they are, the more 'stuff' can be provided - therefore increasing pregnancy success.
Another theory for the prefer size of the dong may refer to the length of it, the longer the dong is the deeper it can be inserted and therefore get closer to the egg to be fertilized.

The 3 examples are generalisation, of course there are always some exceptions to every suggestions.

The term 'beauty' is intertwined with 'attraction', as you can't separate it from each other.
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Beauty is symmetry, signs of good health and the preferences of your gender to what would be good for reproduction.

After that, as far as I can tell, are conditioned/environmental messages or personal preferences of what is beautiful. Things that don't fall into the above 3 catergories, and have no foundation of being better than other traits.
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Beauty is symmetry, signs of good health and the preferences of your gender to what would be good for reproduction.

After that, as far as I can tell, are conditioned/environmental messages or personal preferences of what is beautiful. Things that don't fall into the above 3 catergories, and have no foundation of being better than other traits.

Regarding your signature, so much for kate 2011 being a god :lol:
Regarding your signature, so much for kate 2011 being a god :lol:

It's not that I agree with them. It's that it's the biggest heap of deluded crap I've seen in a long time, that the only thing that would be more funny is charlie sheen claiming to be blessed by the pee of unicorns and therefore is who superman was based on, except that he has no kryptonite....

Cos the quote has that kind of ridiculousness about it.
Well......the way I see it.

Almost everyone likes someone with a good full set of teeth as possible, well kept hair, good skin condition, and their body being in good shape(i.e. not skeletal and not extremely obese).

Then there's things like symmetry. Having features near enough the same on one side as the other and same size as possible. I'm not implying that people go about measuring and calculating it, or that it has to be exact, but that it's a subconscious thing.

Then there's the reproduction/gender aspect. I believe women will, if they want a long life partner and not just a fling/friend/ect, *instinctively* choose a man in the best possible (athletic?) shape with strong masculine features, as signs of strength and testosterone(can't spell it). Hence why working out and having muscles are often more important to men.

-However, women look for more when it comes to personalty in men, so even those physical things can be overlooked if she likes other traits-

I believe that men, when looking for a woman for anything, instinctively look for an athletic body, long hair, feminine youthful face, small waist, boobs, long legs and wide hips, which either point to good health, youth(which indicates fertility), good child bearing indicators, or them all! Which explains why hairdressers, makeup, beauty creams, clothes than emphasis those things(skirts/dresses for legs, high heels and shoes for highlighting leg, corsets/belts to emphasis waist, wonderbra/chicken fillets for boobs, plastic surgery for everything!!!) and staying trim and in shape, are all popular and important things to most women!

After that, hair colour, skin colour, weight(providing it's not extreme), height, eye colour, ect in my opinion is either down to personal preference, or to cultural/environmental conditioning. Such as some people prefering blondes, or redheads being made fun of for being ugly(they aren't), or people seeking certain skin coloured people. Or some people not dating certain races even when they aren't racist, but have grown used to being attracted to the majority race they've grown up/lived around.
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I think at this stage it is indeterminate. Yes, there is a common standard of attraction, but whether this means we are biologically geared to think/feel this is unknown.

Yes, we are, you just answered the question of mystery behind the beauty in general.
It is a bio-genetic thing, When you think of reproduction is naturally to chose beauty cause the probability is much great to have beautiful offsprings.
So, in conclusion, beauty is desirable/acceptable.
Rejuvenating a seven year old topic, I like that!

I feel Beauty as well as Ugliness is all a matter of opinion. Solve the mystery by finding evident facts that define what true beauty is. One can only judge it through their personal opinion. What one person finds beautiful and desirable, may be ugly and undesirable to someone else.

What is the phrase? "Beauty is only within the eye of the beholder"