Comment on the person above you ↑

Posts a lot of these 👁 and on occasion this
Cracking Up Reaction GIF
My straight girlfriend
Funny I got you 😋 YOU are amazing person not only because you see thru people and know the truth of things but because you are the most caring and intelligent person I have met on here and you know you're way around humor. I honestly can't say anything bad about you. You should be the role model of how all the other mods should look up to. I appreciate meeting you 💛 😊

You have taken my bad days and made them good and my good days even better you are an example human being and are amazing don't change for anyone and keep being yourself ❤.

Honestly if it wasn't for your kindness and true heart this place would've been even deeper in the sewer than it already is. You give this place a life that I couldn't imagine it without you.

Keep living stay humble probably the only mod I respect so far

Big love say yes to gay 😍 💗

P.S. gay is better
Funny I got you 😋 YOU are amazing person not only because you see thru people and know the truth of things but because you are the most caring and intelligent person I have met on here and you know you're way around humor. I honestly can't say anything bad about you. You should be the role model of how all the other mods should look up to. I appreciate meeting you 💛 😊

You have taken my bad days and made them good and my good days even better you are an example human being and are amazing don't change for anyone and keep being yourself ❤.

Honestly if it wasn't for your kindness and true heart this place would've been even deeper in the sewer than it already is. You give this place a life that I couldn't imagine it without you.

Keep living stay humble probably the only mod I respect so far

Big love say yes to gay 😍 💗

P.S. gay is better
Wow, I’ve only just seen this 😍 my ego is getting way over inflated. There are loads of mods/members on here who are good people though, a lot are far better people than I am but thank you 😘

So…my comments on @GamerGirlTwitch:

You might not have the best reputation on here for past things but that could be said for literally hundreds of others on here and, in my book from what I know of you, you’re a decent person.

People think you’re tough and you like people to think that but really you’re a softie on the inside 😊 and you have a heart of gold. You’re intelligent, streetwise, witty, clever, and caring and I suspect the life & soul of the party 🧡
Wow, I’ve only just seen this 😍 my ego is getting way over inflated. There are loads of mods/members on here who are good people though, a lot are far better people than I am but thank you 😘

So…my comments on @GamerGirlTwitch:

You might not have the best reputation on here for past things but that could be said for literally hundreds of others on here and, in my book from what I know of you, you’re a decent person.

People think you’re tough and you like people to think that but really you’re a softie on the inside 😊 and you have a heart of gold. You’re intelligent, streetwise, witty, clever, and caring and I suspect the life & soul of the party 🧡
❤❤❤ you're a sweetheart
He is a very nice person on chat ave. Kind! Caring! A wonderful friend of mine. Cool too! Helpful! Happy! Successful! Smart! Hero! Admire! Delightful, Determination, Eager, Goes out of his way for others. Selfless not Selfish! Fabulous! Funny! Friendly! Thinks about others. A jack of all trades. :)
He is Brave, chivalrous, or courteous. and more kind-nice words.


