Dealing With Odd Behaviour From Best Friend


New Member
So last year around November I caught up with one of my best friends after not seeing him for over a year, we have always had a good friendship and have never fought. We had a good catchup and I enjoyed it but I noticed my friend was kinda more awkward than usual.

We end up not talking much after that as we are both leading busy lives until on Christmas morning I send him a message simply wishing him a Merry Christmas and to have a great day etc to which he reads it and does not reply. I end up never getting a reply and send a message on January 25th just asking how it was going? Once again he reads it and does not reply.

It has now been just over 3 months since my last message and no reply has occurred, my friend is active a lot too on social media. I am just really confused, we are both busy but taking months to message back seems odd considering our strong friendship. I don't want to keep sending messages either as I have already sent 2 messages that have been left on read.

What could be occuring?
Hola hola hola

So you're trying to say his ignoring you and you're just gonna be all silent

Send him a message

"Yay yo bastard, why you no reply, if you don't want to be in contact say it or if it's something else say it".

Gotta be direct luv
The Next Generation No Reply GIF by Star Trek
Colin Farrell Actors GIF by PBS SoCal