Em's Advice


Active Member
I wish for this to be a thread where people can talk about their feelings and other such things.
But mostly about me giving advice or just talking to people whom need someone to speak to.
I will also share pieces of advice each day on this thread, because, why not? Like "Emily's Advice" or something similar.
Anyway, yeah, I don't know what else to say. Thank you.

You are not alone. The most cliche thing to say. It hurts. People say it all the time, even me. Yet it all depends on the person and whom says it. To some, they always feel alone, even when they are surrounded by people. They know they're not alone, but that's not going to stop the feeling. Be there for said person, and let them share their thoughts and feelings. You may not understand, you may never, but you don't need to.
All you need to do is listen. With your heart, brain, and certainly ears. And not only listen, but hear and see the words they speak.
Don't let bad thoughts affect you,
don't keep bad memories.
Don't repress them either.
Burn them, delete them.
All the bad thoughts and memories must be faced. I have a hard time facing my declining mental health, which is caused by these thoughts and memories
I hate it
But, face it. Every memory makes me weak, but face it head on, and you will be okay
I'm sure you'll be okay.
We can face our problems together. Keep your head strong and up high.
Guess I missed a few days-
Oh well, if anyone reads these
Have a lovely day/night.
It's okay to not be okay, even when life is rough, get back up again. It's like a game of Dark Souls, see how far ya can get.