
No. You give them a normal bath. Then use half water and half vinegar in a spray bottle.
Then you spray the animal all over, avoiding the ears and eyes. Then let dry.
If it is a huge flea problem then you would want to repeat in a few days.

You can use the vinegar in the bath if you mix equal parts of dish soap, vinegar, and water to make a shampoo like solution.
Thanks! I think my dog might have fleas cause I saw some flea dirt on him but I dont see them x_x
If you want a non chemical solution: dawn dish soap works wonders. feeding your dog garlic will cause several issues. please consult a professional instead of the internet...
Garlic will screw up your pets digestive system, dont want to risk a huge vet bill or even death, might as well buy the most expensive flea killer.
I buy capstar, they sell it at the vet for 30 bucks a box or 5 dollars a pill, fleas are coming off and dying within thirty minutes, by the end of the day most to all are off, if not, you can use another pill as early as the next day. The pills releases something off the dogs skin which acts like poison. It may not be a home remedy, but bathe your pet in dawn soap and then use that pill and you should be good to go ^.^
Garlic will screw up your pets digestive system, dont want to risk a huge vet bill or even death, might as well buy the most expensive flea killer.
I buy capstar, they sell it at the vet for 30 bucks a box or 5 dollars a pill, fleas are coming off and dying within thirty minutes, by the end of the day most to all are off, if not, you can use another pill as early as the next day. The pills releases something off the dogs skin which acts like poison. It may not be a home remedy, but bathe your pet in dawn soap and then use that pill and you should be good to go ^.^
ok ms salesman
Lol, hey I dont like to spend too much money especially on a budget, I've had my state of spending money on crap that doesn't work >.>
I work at a vets office and A lot of our clients Use/Like Frontline But over the last 2 yrs we have heard people complaining about this. Well we now have 3 different options: #1 The new frontline Tritak which works within 5 mins #2 a tablet called comfortis which is great (Give with a full meal) or #3 Trifiex I strongly recommend this one it does everything in 1 including Heartworm prevention! Also We have great rebates going on now for frontline , and trifexis !!
I don't know about you guys, but it's also tick season! Here's something I found while floating around on the internet that'll work for ticks and fleas.

'For pets, add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, followed by 2 cups of distilled white vinegar. Ticks hate the smell and taste of vinegar, and will be easily be repelled by this ingredient alone. Then, add two spoonfuls of vegetable or almond oil, which both contain sulfur (another natural tick repellent). To make a repellent that will also deter fleas, mix in a few spoonfuls of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, any of which will repel ticks and fleas while also creating a nicely scented repellent. Spray onto the pet's dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas including eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period, spray this solution on two to three times per day.'


I heard that apple cider vinegar works. You just pour some on a towel and rub it on your pet.:D
If you want a non chemical solution: dawn dish soap works wonders. feeding your dog garlic will cause several issues. please consult a professional instead of the internet...
This is a good piece of advice. Thanks for sharing! I didn't know about it. I should say, it is great to find a non-chemical solution. Usually I order sprays and collars on Pet Express (I always use tрis site to buy all necessary products for my pets), but I don't want to use them all the time.
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Looks like this is a old thread, and a old problem with having cats and dogs. We dint know fleas could live here where we live !! we got a infestation when 2 pups we bought had to go to the vets to get fixed. I over heard one of the vet techs talking about their flea infestation, sure enough we had fleas when we brought the pups home! we did everything to get rid of those pesky things!! finally resorting to unnatural ways, sorry to say!
Super bugs are a thing and i feel fleas have became one of these "super bugs", that have gotten used to what we do to kill them .....
Ticks are very annoying and very often guests in my house unfortunately . Really hate them. My little doggy almost died cause of those
Cat's always get fleas. Especially those who walk out frequently. I have three cats and they got fleas several times as well. I take them to a vet and follow his advices. I also found much useful info at https://www.catfoodpoint.com/how-to-get-rid-of-fleas-on-cats to prevent them from getting fleas in advance, like getting a flea collar, and provide info on how to make remedies for fleas at home.
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Getting them off your pet is easy, removing them from the house is not. Typically you're going to need an exterminator.
Getting them off your pet is easy, removing them from the house is not. Typically you're going to need an exterminator.
i dont do natural when it comes to fleas and ticks, monthly spot on and treating the yard along with the dog has kept them at bay for me. different meds work in different regions which is why some work for some and others dont.

if its got to exterminator point here, i'd rather douse it in gas and aim & flame it. :LOL:
i dont do natural when it comes to fleas and ticks, monthly spot on and treating the yard along with the dog has kept them at bay for me. different meds work in different regions which is why some work for some and others dont.

if its got to exterminator point here, i'd rather douse it in gas and aim & flame it. :LOL:
Yeah, I get that done outside, they always stay by the steps of my back yard. They really creep me out.
Yeah, I get that done outside, they always stay by the steps of my back yard. They really creep me out.
granules man its the only way to go. spreader on 7 a bit of water and poof. i end up doing it 2xs a year because well i like my lawn nice and dead and tell tru green to suck it why pay $800 when itll cost me $50 a nice walk in the yard while donning my beer hat ...
nervous season 3 GIF

not sure the wording goes with the topic but the pic does :ROFLMAO: