Happy Women's History Month!


Silver Member
She's probably wondering why a bunch of kiss asses are trying to relegate women's history to a single month. Misogynistic pigs
It's nice to be recognized but I have to say, having Women's History Month is kind of a let down. What I mean is, for any other group that gets its own month, American television is flooded, whether it's the news or a movie, with this program or that program going on about hardships, struggles, overcoming obstacles and achieving goals, on the news and in tv movies, but where are the programs for women?

Where are the programs that emphasize women's accomplishments such as the women who ran for president even before women had the right to vote, women who fought for the right to vote, women who fought for our country since its inception, women of science and sports and education, women who have gone to space and so many others?

Maybe Women's History Month is just a ploy by certain male politicians to try to appease us so they can continue with their own agendas and to sedate us so more of us won't break the glass ceiling.
For a minute there I was thinking this was about Men telling us what we are allowed to celebrate, sighs. As far as I know Men can't get pregnant or give birth, so that's a slightly important plus all the reproductive hell we go through each month, we never signed up for it we just get on with it, if only it was man flu. Now I have poked the bull or is that a steer.

How are women different than men apart from the biology well do this check. Are you driven by hormones, emotional, can be cold, not actually want kids even though we have the ability to, have the ability to get things wrong, capable of holding down a job, love or hate sport, educated or not particularly academic, good or crap at relationships and happy plus even tempered.

It is a person thing not sex. Oh look we are not much different, so why is pay not on the same level, lets not hear about well you can have children crap men are quite capable of child rearing, pretty sexist towards men really. When men speak up they are congratulated but why are women considered hard and cold, this does not just come from men. So in reality we should be talking about equality and respect. In developed countries women do have more privileges which have been fought for over time, this can be said of different cultural and religious groupings as well because some like to marginalize people to hold onto power and wealth.

So yes we are all different and each group should be proud and understand what we have, celebrate who we are and break down barriers. There are many places in the world where there is no choice for men, women or children and that's why we should support the understanding of cultures and the environment which is why UNHCR and UNICEF are so important. It is very easy to throw stones and whine sitting in my nice chair overlooking the pool in my new clothes which have been freshly washed, while sipping my tea.
The true enemy is the lack of educated open and honest discussion. So should we have a Women's month, defiantly lets not make it about only white glossy magazine culture and educate each other while acknowledging the men who treat us as equals.
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