Have you ever? (Game)

I have no mortgage on my house and I have 3 condos that I lease out.

Have you found a property you're thinking of purchasing?
Nope. It's a bit early for me to even be thinking about that :p

Would you ever move to a new country?
Yes. I work remotely and I love traveling anyway so why not?

Would you be open to it?
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Yes. However not the area.

*have you ever game by the way, exam brain 😛

Have you ever fallen asleep reading a textbook?
Yes but recently they've been e-books. So I did have my phone fall on my face multiple times like you asked before lol

Have you ever regretted reading a book?
I wouldn’t say regret. More like continued on because boring or not as hyped up as I’d have thought. Books are insightful so wouldn’t regret knowledge.

Have you ever lost an AirPod?
Yes alongside my wallet on a night out. Felt sick to the core.

Have you ever forgotten to buy a birthday card?
Yes but I instantly think of that horror film can’t think of what’s it’s called where they’re trapped below with creatures.

Have you ever received someone else’s mail?
We got a parcel that was mean for someone in the village. Simple to deal with though, leave a note on it for the postie and shazam it's gone.

Have you ever had anything lost in the post?
Yes but got a replacement. It was a Christmas t shirt.

Have you ever had to endure a phone call for longer than really necessary?
Nope there's this thing called hanging up... "sorry I'm late for a trip in the Tardis* bye"

*insert either credible or ridiculous excuse here as you see fit

Have you ever been taken in by a scam?
No. I know to stay away from things that are too good to be true.

Have you had friends/family fall victim to one?
Not that I know of, but do know some people in my area who have been scammed by not removing their address from Amazon packaging. 😯

Have you ever used reverse charge on a phonecall?