how can someone be this dumb

Yes you did. I quoted you. I said nobody likes a dodgy filter.
You said “it’s not that filtered at all”

Your words.

Inb4 you try and use an SEN against me.
All I do too my photos.
Is get rid of the acne that I have.
I don’t have severe ache or anything.
But I still get rid of them regardless.
And I also smooth my skin a little as well but not much though.
That’s all I do too them.
So it’s not extreme at all.
….. so there are filters as I initially said.

I said all I do too my skin. Is smoothed it a little bit not much. And get rid of the moderate ache that I have too. So therefore my photos are not that extremely filtered. Like you think they’re are. It’s only a little bit of filter on them.
So you can stop with the negative comments now.
Kick pedophile mods like @Chelle Belle and @Jack_Skellington in their ass and probably that room would do any good. No point going to a room where such pedos are mods. Chelle was literally promoting child marriage in room with her pedophile friends, lectures me when her own country allows it and I speak against it. Her own children must be ashamed of that adulterous pedo. She used the ghost mute feature against me in jealousy(she thinks i am not aware of that, she should realise I am smarter than a characterless and worthless garbage like her) because I said the amount of money spent on my VIP in 2023 alone is way higher than the life time VIP cost. Coz anyone won't gift that prostitute VIP anyway.

And Jack is another babydolla **** eater pedo. Belongs to the same country where its citizens accuse the president of things like this 😆 and then has the audacity to tell me who will give me job or not. That Jack moron should realise no one here in real life gives a fuk about two penny people like him who eat **** of a minor impersonating criminal and pedophile babydolla. Because he himself is an ugly face pedo just like Chelle.

Btw pedo Chelle and Jack can keep fantasizing about themselves being crushed by their pedo mom babydolla as they don't take any action against her coz in real life she gets punched and thrown away ,she herself said lol:-


This petty coward dawg heathen can join them too and die for good. Coz in real life he would 😆

Nothing to say to this pedo criminal babydolla who impersonates to be a minor without any legal authority to provoke others to crime. It's an actual crime. She should be thrown in jail for good. From doing that to writing inappropriate things in doctored ss , she is in everyway a criminal. She herself can be arrested for this. Let her go to police and be imprisoned herself. Fukin pervert. Those who support babydolla are pedophiles too and they have proved it in their behaviour as well. They all can die and make this world a better place. Bunch of worthless clowns on a chatsite.
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Nothing to say to this pedo criminal babydolla who impersonates to be a minor without any legal authority to provoke others to crime.

so basically ur admitting that u believed i was 13 despite @Mr. Jose telling u otherwise, & that i successfully tricked u into committing a criminal act when u confessed ur luv for me & desire to make luv (has sex) to me while under the impression i was a minor...

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