How many phones do you have?

hai friends, phone hoarder here 🙋🏼‍♀️

this is every phone, i has ever owned through out my lil' life...


i'm infamous for never getting rid of old phones,

whether they're broken, or just old i generally throw them into one of my dresser drawers in my bedroom after they ran their course;

...don't ask...


god-bless 🕊️🕊️
That game was addictive. And. Remember predictive text? Or typing text by hitting the number multiple times to get to the correct letter?
I was never a fan on that game. I think it triggered my claustrophobic tendencies. 😂

The texting thing was brutal, hitting the same number three times just to get the right letter. Very frustrating. Although my man hands don't do much better these days with the iPhone keyboard. Supremely frustrating. We've come so far!
one.. and i didnt even want it ..but now due to the over saturation of technology you need two way verification just to take a shit