I love o all especially Hannah. Hannah peer support group.

Which Chatter is the most Hillarious in Singles Chat.

  • Hannah

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  • Kate

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  • Lesbian Claire

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  • Umbra

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Suspect

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It always feels like we attract a lot of introverts in places like this. Given that probability, it's good for others to see ways they can be social that they might not have thought about.

Full disclosure, I'm absolutely an extrovert.... That works from home and sometimes goes days without seeing anyone cause I have no need to go out.

For today I did the following:
  1. Picked up my kid from his mom's place.
  2. Grocery shopping.
  3. Picked up blue hair dye
  4. Went to drag brunch
  5. Weekly dinner at my parents place.
I guess I am the problem for saying something about racism and standing up for my religion people really need to shut the **** up...
You cant say I'm a problem for posting a compliment on forums I can complain about whatever I want so me calling out racism and Islam phobic is a problem
It's forum's why are people complaining about what I'm supposed to complain about if I was being Racist to you you would say something about it or just let it go ...

Braxton when you say you people your referring to black Muslims like me... I'm not no wanna be American I was Born a Muslim ... So Sammy if you have any questions I'll be happy to give you my opinion since I'm a problem ..
Just because I'm a Muslim I'll say it once again just because I'm a black Muslim doesn't mean I stand for what the Hamas do

I wasn't the only one calling out accusations or liars

I just said I don't care if you say you don't care dumb ass its the principle

No **** like people didn't care when incompetent people like you attacked them if you don't care why the hell did you comment on it

Hold on back the truck up if you don't care why did you comment on it why didn't you say anything to anyone else who complained about racism

Chopper I want you to explain to me why your complaining over me complaining over people who are racist to me

I don't give a damn about what you think on my ego I can complain about what ever the hell I want and if you want me to shut the **** up use your own words ignore me chopper

I never said anyone cares if I was black if that was so fucking true why do I get attacked for being black and Muslim now I want you to explain

You really got me fucked up don't tell me to shut my mouth how about you shut the **** up ok cause first of all all you had to do was shut the **** up and not comment on it but no it's my ego cause I'm complaining about racism

They did said they were white and proud I'm black and proud yes I said it too I'm proud of the color of my skin if they didn't care if I was black why the hell were they being racist explain ok๐Ÿ˜‚

Woah woah woah woah woah that was after they made accusations on me it's called karma

You did a whole post on my sister saying the n word and she was black other people said the n word you didn't do a post on them

Don't ask me how I know she told me

Wait so me complaining about racism is bursting my ego how lol I wasn't the only one complaining I was being towards the people who were rasict to me not to the ones who didn't care ..... You shouldn't talk about my ego Instead work on yours and don't come for me to for the ones who have a problem with my skin ok๐Ÿ˜ I respect you for commenting

Who are you supposed to be

Oh my god how many times do I have to say i don't care if you don't care it was a shout out to black people, if you didn't care why did you comment on my post, chat master you should shut up it's a forums I can complain about anything I want especially racism yes I can complain about it
Your a child' molester tryna be 16

Wanna be child molester trying to be 16, you talk about my face yet your too insecure to show yours
You must have a death wish
Nah. The people I met I met them in a public place at first and I made sure people I knew had their information like phone number and name etc. once you talk to someone for a bit you trust them.
@DarthErica Not a joke thread I was serious and no it's not disturbing at all and @Kd. Who have you met? If I could I would meet people on here only if they lived in the same state I live in. I haven't yet though.
I can only really say one of the people I met since I know one of them wouldnโ€™t be too happy. They arenโ€™t on this site anymore anyway.
The first person I met was the old video chat admin Csandiego. We met up several times.
You just have to be careful meeting up with people the first couple of times.
I almost met one person when modding video years ago. Glad i didnโ€™t meet them. Apparently he had a drinking problem amidst other things. At one point they were also staff on here.
I laugh at her false religion, she can wear her hijab all she wants on a very hot day, a Taylor Swift fan died in Brazil cuz of heat, let's see what she has to say about this.
No a dude named ironically BartenderEd.
Ah name not familiar. I instantly thought Joe as I remember he did used to like his beer. He was a cool guy. Weird to think he was 32 then and weโ€™re his age now! Give it take a few! ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ
Nah. The people I met I met them in a public place at first and I made sure people I knew had their information like phone number and name etc. once you talk to someone for a bit you trust them.

I can only really say one of the people I met since I know one of them wouldnโ€™t be too happy. They arenโ€™t on this site anymore anyway.
The first person I met was the old video chat admin Csandiego. We met up several times.
You just have to be careful meeting up with people the first couple of times.

That is true it's always good to talk on the phone a few times before meeting and in an open place like you said because you never know. I've met alot of ladies online like dating sites and one out of a yahoo chatroom and never had any problems at all but I would meet people on here only if they lived in the same state I live in which is Ohio for now but plan on going back to Sh*t hole Oklahoma here soon.
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