June Faces

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Sorry, I was half asleep. It’s cold as balls here this morning too (at least, by my standards) — 48°F in Americanese.
cold as balls is a legit Aussie scale of measurement. We also have blow the dog off the chain as a measurement of wind speed, for ducks as a unit of measurement of rain, and ball bag stuck to the inside of my leg for measurement of humidity.
What's so funny, @XRosalinaX? Are you stalking me? I have no idea who you are, but you seem to be following me on forums during my rare visits in order to negatively comment or react.

Weird. Did I hurt you in the past or something?
Don’t worry about her. She’s pretty harmless. @XRosalinaX explain yourself, girl.

First one was backwards so I had to switch it horizontally
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You were backwards or the phone was? 🤣
I’ve seen what you look like before though. You use a face picture as your profile picture in chat. But lol you have long hair. 🙂🙂
Like @Finn2.0 said, I'm not exactly sure how to react to "But lol you have long hair." It made me giggle though. Yes, I guess it's long! *shrugs* lmao But really, you should be proud of yourself for being the only one in ten years who got me to post a picture of myself on forums (being the nice person that you are from my experience of interacting with ya).

P.S. Don't get used to it though. My hair changes a lot!
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