Mental health

If someone approached me with such thoughts, I'd first thank them for sharing their feelings. It's crucial to listen and be supportive.
As for the idea of psychosis as a way of seeing a past self, it's a unique perspective worth exploring, but it's also essential to seek professional help if someone is experiencing psychosis.
Well, if you or someone you know is dealing with mental health challenges, it might be worth considering a medical cannabis prescription. In my experience, it has helped some individuals manage symptoms, but it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to explore this option.
Let me ask you all,if somebody.came up to you and said I have psychosis and this is how our world is going to end....and what if they were right

Also what would happen if psychosis is a way of seeing a past self?

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First Of All A Person With A "PSYCHOSIS" Would Not Be Aware They Are Having A Psychosis As They Are Not In Touch With Reality

So They Wouldn't Know That ...... Which Would Explain Why They Are Delusional About "The World Ending" .....

And No ... A Person Having A Psychosis As In A "Psychotic Episode" Can Not See A "Past Self" As You Say ....

But Can Behave In Confusing And Unpredictable Ways They May Harm Themselves Or Become Threatening And Violent Towards Others

.... It's Very Serious And They Should Be Treated By A Mental Health Professional Psychiatrist Or Psychologist .
Let me ask you all,if somebody.came up to you and said I have psychosis and this is how our world is going to end....and what if they were right

Also what would happen if psychosis is a way of seeing a past self?

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I’d say let it happen furst and than I’ll think about that psycho in my memory hail.

As fer psycho seeing past self, me no understand what you try to ask?
If they were right, they might simply have other insights that mainstream medicine/society don't recognize- or the thoughts might be associated with metaphysics or other things the mainstream doesn't understand. Most people in psychosis, won't know they are in one, when the connection to reality is broken- although some, might. its a matter of degree.

I don't know if thought disorders make one able to see a past self, maybe they can. Many people without thought issues have the past life ability/belief system too.

A little off topic but consider this- shrinks and psychologists are considered be be the "professional" and proper authority on these issues, and in many ways they are.

If you see a past life, or have an unusual perspective, or hear hings/see things that others don't-and deemed too weird> they say psychosis.

But if you believe Jonah lived 3 days in the belly of a whale, or that literal resurrection of a clinical dead body happens, or hear a voice from the heavens- you are religious.
As a matter of correction Psychiatrists and Psychologists are professional but in reality therapist and case managers are more aware of the client's condition. Often we visit in the home or nowadays via Doxy Me.
Basically what Cindy Lou and kazina pointed out, People with psychoses often have delusions which are very real to them. Anyone that is experiencing hallucinations please get a medical evaluation.
H.R. to put it in my troll but loving way If you told me General Chat was exciting that is your belief. If no one else finds it exciting then you know you are delusional.
As a matter of correction Psychiatrists and Psychologists are professional but in reality therapist and case managers are more aware of the client's condition. Often we visit in the home or nowadays via Doxy Me.
Basically what Cindy Lou and kazina pointed out, People with psychoses often have delusions which are very real to them. Anyone that is experiencing hallucinations please get a medical evaluation.
H.R. to put it in my troll but loving way If you told me General Chat was exciting that is your belief. If no one else finds it exciting then you know you are delusional.

Good thing by belief is validated by hoardes of happy users.;)
Everyone disagrees but when you have delusional grown men saying theyre women you all allow them into spaces with little girls. You dont tell them theyre mentally ill and should seek help.