My life is a mess

- cut your hair off into a bob (cute)
- adopt a gluten free diet
- drink more water
- never wear flip flops in public
Wanting to re-invent myself, what are some tips and tricks xx

What aspect of your life is a mess? Are you procrastinating too much? Ignoring your responsibilities? Speaking/acting without weighing the consequences? Your post is thin on details so it's hard to properly advise you on how to fix the mess that is your life.

You are who you are, regardless of how you appear, but there is always room for improvement. Eliminating bad habits is usually a good start.
Trauma, it's said, is the fastest way to reprogram one's subconscious. Emotional trauma. Sudden, juicy, and scarring. You're welcome.

Yeah a bit twisted there! Don't like it from a person who knows about trauma and I know I'm not the only one here either!
Wanting to re-invent myself, what are some tips and tricks xx
Don't try to re-invent yourself, rather, rediscover yourself. What're some things you used to enjoy but no longer can seem to get around to doing? Make a list - they're quite calming - then start checking those things off and in doing so, you'll possibly find a new hobby or a renewed interest in something.

Miranda needs to log on and see this because she's honestly the best advice giver on this forum.
I always liked getting a new hair do, my nails done, eyebrows done, lashes done and just have a day of pampering. It always puts me into perspective.
Wanting to re-invent myself, what are some tips and tricks xx

You will always be beautiful always in Gods eyes and mine. Keep your chin up. We all have issues and problems just saying. Never give up. Life is to short too.
Have a bless day and weekend. Hugs and all smiles! I hope this helps in what I said to you. :)

God bless and God loves you always. Take care of yourself. Keep shinning and keep smiling.

All the best,
Dye your hair blonde!

Drink more coffee!

Paint your nails, when I paint mine I feel like a put together, brand new person.

Try red eyeliner instead of black/brown!

Work out/exercise more!

Date a guy/get brown diq!
Reinvent yourself in what way? Has something happened to make you dislike aspects of who you are? Are they valid reflections or are you maybe over thinking and targeting yourself unnecessarily.

I have a feeling you mean more than just cosmetic or looks-wise in which case most of these suggestions are falling flat?