Never Ending Story đź“–

..."Yo momma so old, she was a waitress at the Last Supper. I know this because I am Jesus and I'll tell you something else for nothin' Aurora: yo momma's armpits stink so bad, she made Right Guard turn left"
Aurora, terrified, screams!!! Pushed the creature off and runs straight for the window and jumps out, shattering all the glass around.
Luckily she was on the ground floor and commando rolled away from the glass , she sat up and to her horror wasn't alone , in front of her were
Slowly coming round after the faint , Aurora blinked into the darkness of the room , she tried to sit up , it was then she realised she was bound to a table...
She sits up and with a nightmare slowness, a fraction at a time, her head begins to turn, swiveling like a mannequin’s and creaking with the sound of a rusted mechanism
She hears a sound that sound familiar, a bike… in the distance she hears “do you wanna play a game?”