Now Playing 12

Boba fett requested this song because this is the song he dances to on the weekends when he dresses up as a woman 👱‍♀️💅🏻💄👠👗👛

Boba fett requested this song because this is the song he dances to on the weekends when he dresses up as a woman 👱‍♀️💅🏻💄👠👗👛
I am new here and I have no idea if I am actually commenting on the song or not. This is one of my favorite songs and I am glad that Mattel lost their law suit to Aqua. I don't know who Baba Fett is but if enjoys dressing up as a woman, more power to him. More men should get in touch with their feminine side. Then maybe their wouldn't be so many wars and so much violence on this planet.