

Gold Member
Is it strange that after 42 years married, 4 children and 15 grandchildren, that I suddenly think I'm bi. Or str8 curious, as I've been told. My wife died 2 years ago, but only last few weeks have I been thinking
I was about 10. I remember being infatuated by my best friend Evan. It was innocent back at that age and I probably didnā€™t even know what it meant till I got older and thought back on it lol. Although the sexual awakening and curiosity didnā€™t take long to surface after that lol.
When i was in the 8th grade I had an 8 month relationship with another female classmate. After we broke up I no longer had feelings like that for another female.
When i was in the 8th grade I had an 8 month relationship with another female classmate. After we broke up I no longer had feelings like that for another female.
Do you think that one was a romantic love or do you think it was just that you really liked and enjoyed her as a person?

**not discrediting just overthinking it šŸ˜œ
uh the KS, an early bloomer, who could of guessed..
Is it strange that after 42 years married, 4 children and 15 grandchildren, that I suddenly think I'm bi. Or str8 curious, as I've been told. My wife died 2 years ago, but only last few weeks have I been thinking
Sorry to hear about your wife. šŸ˜¢

My back story is similar in some ways.

I know I was attracted to other boys maybe when I was between 8-10. I had a huge crush on a kid at school. I never acted on anything with guys until my mid 20s and only did so then because of the power of chatting online. If Iā€™d not connected with guys online I doubt Iā€™d have ever acted on it.

Changing times has an effect - those of us born say before the early 2000s were largely conditioned to think that we had to be in straight relationships with 2.4 children and anything else was wrong. Personally I found that even wearing certain clothes, liking certain music or having certain interests caused others to say I was gay (as an insult!) although I feel that type of thing has been reclaimed now which is a good thinkg. I remember wearing pink and being called all sorts.

I think the culture of having labels can have an impact as well. Being labelled as ā€œstraightā€, ā€œgayā€, or ā€œbiā€ or others tends to box people in to thinking that they are that label whereas I believe whatever attractions you have or what you do sexually is down to whatever you feel at the time youā€™re doing it.

If you get the urge, go for it! You never know what you like until youā€™ve tried it