Roleplayers' Profiles.

Real name: Natalie.

Birthdate: 5th January 1994

RP Name(s): Serena

How long I've been RPing: Not long.

RP Style: idk?

Race/Religion: Uhm scottish? / none

Place of birth: Bonnie Scotland

Current Location: See above

Siblings: 3 pain in the ass' i mean brothers.

Current Status: Single pringle

Occupation: homeless beggar

Interests: Guitar, reading, singing, dancing, writing, filming, acting... alot of things that end with -ing

Pets: 3 cats, 2 dogs and a fish. I HAS A FOOD CHAIN.

Dreams/Goals: To work as a doctor in America.

Music: Everything

Movies: Everything.... except pr0nz.

My profile is so cool. :cool:
HOLY SHIT WELCOME! It is now official! :O

What in the fuck did you just say?


No, really, being from the might land o' Eng I am able to understand most accents. Unlike the yanks. Ha ha, yankies. Ha ha. Though I think they've gotten better at it. HURF DURF.
Translated I said: "Oh yeah, I'm from Scotland"

But I said it in the way all Americans think we talk. :ashamed: My accent isn't that strong lmfao.

Yeahh, same. It's quite funny when a Yank goes "I can't understand you SPEAK ENGLISH" in their heavy accent. I'm like wtff, I am speaking english idiott.
Yes. And our accents have been around longer than theirs so HA HA.

They're the ones not speaking English, 'cause it's bastardised. Yup.

LMAO @ Cory.
Real name: Remano

Birthdate: 23rd Feb 1990

RP Name: Ree

How long I've been RPing: Just started.

RP Style: ?:dontknow:

Race/Religion: Rainbow

Place of birth: The rainbow nation.

Current Location: South Africa ?___?';

Siblings: 1

Current Status: single

Occupation: 1st year Ecomomics student.

Interests: Movies, chilling, driving around, women.

Pets: 1 Sister

Dreams/Goals: To be a somebody some day

Music: Anything with a good beat.

Movies: The Lion King, 300, there are others but i just can't think right now.
Real name: Remano

Birthdate: 23rd Feb 1990

RP Name: Ree

How long I've been RPing: Just started.

RP Style: ?:dontknow:

Race/Religion: Rainbow

Place of birth: The rainbow nation.

Current Location: South Africa ?___?';

Siblings: 1

Current Status: single

Occupation: 1st year Ecomomics student.

Interests: Movies, chilling, driving around, women.

Pets: 1 Sister

Dreams/Goals: To be a somebody some day

Music: Anything with a good beat.

Movies: The Lion King, 300, there are others but i just can't think right now.
but... you can never think :eek:k:
Real name: Chris.

RP Name(s): Sasori of the Red Sand and the Slayer.

Siblings: Two younger brothers, one younger sister and one older brother.

Occupation: I'm currently associated with a group of individuals whose primary purpose is to find a cure for small breasts that doesn't require surgery. We do this so that all of the women of the land will love us and therefore nestle us into their bosoms. ^____^;

Current Status: Pretty good mood. Fight with Ben seems to be developing nicely.

Interests: Role-playing, video games and music. Oh and yes, I do enjoy alcohol on occassion.

Pets: I might as well have my own pet store.

Dreams/Goals: To become at least somewhat decent at writing.

Music: A lot of Metal.

Movies: Horror or anything comedic..

Birthdate: November 17, 1990.

Place of birth: Nuevo Mexico, ese <gsign>

Current Location: New Mexico...still..

Race/Religion: I'm an alien of unknown origin, and although I appear to be human, my genetic makeup couldn't be anymore different.

How long I've been RPing: 6 years.

RP Style: Fantasy. Fan-fiction role-playing.

i. Don't lie, your name isn't Chris. Liyar liyar, pantalones on fiyar. ;D LOL. PANTALONES. I win. <3
ii. We want to know if you're single, not if you're having butt sex with Ben.
iii. On the occasions where you're falling down on the sidewalk outside your apartment in Pueblo? ;D
v. Six years? That's it? Really? Could have sworn it's been longer. Been like ten for me, ese.
vi. I reserve all rights to harass my exboyfriend as my rights alone. Any other harassment not done by me will resolve in a lawsuit and your ass will be put in prison with the other Nuevo Mexicanos. Got it? Good. ;D
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Name: Raziel Delacroix
Real: Adam Shade

Siblings?: None
Occupation: *******/Gamer. Prior Military.
Current Status: Happy as a person.

RP Experience: 11 years. 12 years in March. WHen I turn 21.

Music: Metal, Final Fantasy, and Techno.

Future Goals: Not fail @ life

Pets: Mah cat, teddy <3

Relationship Status: ****ed up.

Place?: Florida, Edgewater.

Race/Religion: I don't like races. They make me tired. Agnostic

RP Style: ...We have styles?