Summerchild and Scamdemic Mom

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I shouldnt have to ignore those morons. They should be banned like everyone in the room says. But because they are vip, they wont ever get banned. Lame. CM should be ashamed of himself.
In an ideal world, yes. But you already know some decisions are out of the hands of mods and admins. So the next logical step is the ignore button. All these trolls would fade away if they didn’t get any attention
This broad and @Finn2.0 are the same twat!!!

Jamie, how are you lad? I haven’t seen you since you had that embarrassing itch in your nether regions. Did you get it seen to? I hope so, you whined about it in chat for weeks. I really hope it’s all sorted now and the ED wasn’t permanent. I’m sorry your online girlfriend left you because of it. But I’m still here for you. Miss you. Love Finn!
Happy Straight Up GIF by Apple Music
@KingJeffrey I've retired from trolling on chat rooms. Yesterday somehow someone found my fb and ig and trolled not only me by my family and irl friends. That experience hit me hard. It made me realize just how toxic trolls are. So, I'm hanging up my troll hat for good. No more stirring up trouble online. No more spreading negativity. I'm cleaning up my rep and focusing on spreading positivity instead. So you can ignore my name in this post. Thanks, Summer.
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