TikTok joke

Fax machine.
If you fly with the crows you’re shot with them. Don’t fly with the idiot who made his own joke redundant then got annoyed. If you fail to see that then I’m sorry my previous post is justified.
Nah i see it you're just a twat like people say you are.. move along now...
When the insults come flying, the truth has most definitely struck a nerve. But sorry I’m not gonna defend a proper moron by his own words, however potato you screech.
you made fun of yourself, people joined in. Why delete something you initiated; because it didn’t go as planned? Typical general chat mod. Thank you for your contribution of weakness that Room is ran by for all our evidence to @Chatmaster
Just heard an amazing joke!

Did you guys hear about the unicorn that was madly in love with his girlfriend? Yeah, well, he was pretty horny.
Sos you hear the follow up joke? The girlfriend preferred British minors.

Prince Harry Mic Drop GIF