We seriously need more mods. And competent ones at that.

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Baked Potato

New Member
I swear the amount of pedophiles, predators, and old men on the chat is insane. I can’t go 30 seconds without seeing a chat that would make a grown man throw up. And the mods are never online, but when they are, they don’t do ****. What happened to the good mods like Hydra or Honeycomb? The mods now just sit there and flirt with the VIPs while yelling at the rest of us for using another language or something and letting literal pedophiles chat away. And when we mass report them the mods just go “Hey pal, I’m warning you, stop it now 🤓” I could have my entire address and all my Information leaked and the mods would be either not online or to busy up their own asses to care. Can yall either hire competent mods or change something about them so the chat can actually be decent for once?
I swear the amount of pedophiles, predators, and old men on the chat is insane. I can’t go 30 seconds without seeing a chat that would make a grown man throw up. And the mods are never online, but when they are, they don’t do ****. What happened to the good mods like Hydra or Honeycomb? The mods now just sit there and flirt with the VIPs while yelling at the rest of us for using another language or something and letting literal pedophiles chat away. And when we mass report them the mods just go “Hey pal, I’m warning you, stop it now 🤓” I could have my entire address and all my Information leaked and the mods would be either not online or to busy up their own asses to care. Can yall either hire competent mods or change something about them so the chat can actually be decent for once?
Thread 'Teen Chat | Moderator Applications'

Apply then.

Hello @Baked Potato

I understand and appreciate your concern. I will reassure you that my current mod team is full of highly capable individuals who do their very best to keep the room safe. We, obviously, can't be online all the time, as we have lives and responsibilities outside of modding.

We also have plenty of new mods on our team and we're currently hiring.

If you think you're up to it, you can apply. That way you can help make the difference that you wish to see.

@Ness_eb @H.R. PufnStuf @Apollo This can be closed. Thank you.
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