What would you do with $700 in cash?

If A Member Of The Saudi Royal Family Tipped The Parking Valet In Dubai 700.00 $ It Would Be Considered An Insultingly Cheap Amount

Tipping Jim Carrey GIF
I’d use it to create a program for the people in Africa to come get better treatment health food and create a massive water reserve to make it so they could have clean healthy water
> Says he would spend it on something kind and generous
I take that back for $700 dollars I would probably buy myself a bigger telescope
>realizes he wants a better telescope.

I would get Nintendo switch and some games or something. Maybe a month worth of Wi-Fi connection.
> Says he would spend it on something kind and generous

>realizes he wants a better telescope.

I would get Nintendo switch and some games or something. Maybe a month worth of Wi-Fi connection.
Someone was pointing out that it wouldn’t be enough money to provide the water for africas starving population and I doubted myself
I'd hire an army of midget ninja to thow suction cup throwing stars at toc... (the suction cups may or may not have superglue on them..)
Pfft, I would pay the midget ninja double (with free ice cream for a month) to do this to Todd instead.

Nice try though, dear! *wags finger*
I am not surprised that none of you losers have $700 to spend any time you want.

I have to remove this thread now, you're all trash!