Random Comments!

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Thanks. 🙂. It didn’t hurt so much as it pissed me off cuz I knew exactly what he was trying to do. And I thought to myself alright you little SOB I‘ll pass it along. He had a big oh crap moment when he realized he was caught. He has no respect for anything or anyone, not even himself. Any self respecting person wouldn’t show up to a place where they know they’re not welcome. His claims of support for theLGBTQ community are as bogus as his claims of innocence.
"Any self respecting person wouldn't show up to a place where they know they're not welcome" Trans people do exactly what you described. They "show up" in women's changing areas, women's sports, women's prisons, women's locker rooms ,women's crisis shelters etc.

Women were not asked if they want them there, it was forced onto them. Women do not "welcome" them it makes women uncomfortable so why should the rights and feelings of trans people "the minority" be more important than the rights and feelings of women "the majority" ? Don't even bother replying if you just cry "transphobia" "hate speech" it's a classic tactic of the alethophobic istaphobe.
There's no reason to be proud of being a heterosexual. It's always been considered the norm and we've never been killed/oppressed for existing.

But, you know what? Who knows? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe from the vast legitimate sources you get your Big Brain-Time takes from, there's historical mentions of Gay commandos going around shooting heterosexuals with purple AK-47s, taking over entire cities and replacing church's with Spencer's gift shops, H&M outlets and Swatch stores.

I await your findings when you return from your much needed ban.
Stop living in the past, lgbt people are not "killed/oppressed for existing" in western countries in the 21stcentury. I will tell you who is oppressed though it's straight white people if they convey an opinion that lgbt people disagree with hence cancel culture. Cancel culture is oppression.
Pedos are maps though… unless map stands for something else
No, calling them that is trying to be polite and excuse what they are. Call them for what they are disgusting, depraved p edos not maps.
@Tall Man,

if u think straight white ppl are even remotely oppressed, then im sry, but ur smoking copious amounts of copium

texan republican here 🙋🏼‍♀️
yeah i honestly feel like he is part of a hate group
I honestly feel you're part of Trantifa, and don't even bother replying if all you do is cry "transphobia" "hate" it's a classic tactic of all alethophobic istaphobes.
]@Tall Man[/USER],

if u think straight white ppl are even remotely oppressed, then im sry, but ur smoking copious amounts of copium

texan republican here 🙋🏼‍♀️
In terms of SPEECH yes we are absolutely oppressed, cancel culture is a form of oppression.
In terms of SPEECH yes we are absolutely oppressed, cancel culture is a form of oppression.

i usually wait till the 5th to go shopping because today is the social securty old farts are out like @MrBlunt , im good homie lol
Social security isn’t just for the elderly. Mr blunt is a sweetheart.
My dad has been on social security since he was 30. Also my sister has been on it for at least 15 years now… she is 33.
My sister admitted last week that she is more blessed than me because she just gets to sit at home all week and not do anything. 🙄
She volunteers for a couple of different places and some days she will just say “oh I’m too tired to go today.” Must beeeee nice! My sick time at my job is capped at 48 hours right now so I’m thinking about trying that soon… 🤣
but real question how as the admin not banned @Tall Man[/USER]
We live in a democracy, I know that you, many lgbt people and their "allies" think people should be banned, cancelled if we disagree with you hence you're an istaphobe.
Social security isn’t just for the elderly. Mr blunt is a sweetheart.
My dad has been on social security since he was 30. Also my sister has been on it for at least 15 years now… she is 33.
My sister admitted last week that she is more blessed than me because she just gets to sit at home all week and not do anything. 🙄
She volunteers for a couple of different places and some days she will just say “oh I’m too tired to go today.” Must beeeee nice! My sick time at my job is capped at 48 hours right now so I’m thinking about trying that soon… 🤣

@Akrta doesnt actually ever know anything shes talkin’ about at any given time,

i wont back her into a corner again though like i did in the thread about guns in profile pics…

god forbid she leaves the website for the 500th time if i do 🍭
That’s because HR protects hate speech and the biggest creeps here 🙄
HR protects everyone who is in a "marginalised" group I.e lgbt people and no matter what you say to anyone not in that marginalised group it will never be called hate speech. Example when you mock, insult Christians etc it's absolutely fine because you are lgbt.
And he has no excuses for it, never does. He even follows that teenage transphobe who got banned in teen chat. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Don't even try that bs with me. That guy is 19 yrs old , after I seen a thread about his comments I don't follow him. "No smoke without fire" speak for yourself.
Social security isn’t just for the elderly. Mr blunt is a sweetheart.
My dad has been on social security since he was 30. Also my sister has been on it for at least 15 years now… she is 33.
My sister admitted last week that she is more blessed than me because she just gets to sit at home all week and not do anything. 🙄
She volunteers for a couple of different places and some days she will just say “oh I’m too tired to go today.” Must beeeee nice! My sick time at my job is capped at 48 hours right now so I’m thinking about trying that soon… 🤣
oh, i know, but @MrBlunt knows me well, me and him dont take this site seruiosly, we never have. thats why we get along.
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