10 things about 10 people

1. Sometimes I still wonder if you’re my person.
2. I wish things had worked out differently with you.
3. I don’t care enough to try to understand why you supposedly like me now.
4. I hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry I never message first. You’re a wonderful person.
5. Still hate you entirely but just realized you and one of my exes are basically the same person. Yikes.
6. I’m happy that we found a way to just be friends.
7. You are so beautiful and I miss you so much.
8. I know it was years ago, but you destroyed me. It never really goes away.
9. We’re too old to keep fighting. It’s just annoying at this point.

I don’t have a #10. This place is exhausting.


can i be #7
  1. I think they need to make another song that sounds like reggae music.
  2. They should stop trying to sing and get throat surgery to fix their voice because it's getting worse, so I'm praying for their health.
  3. When I see them be brutally honest about things with their sexy pictures, I get turned on almost.
  4. Death came too soon for this person, and I haven't recovered from them dying still.
  5. Some time they need to make another music album to slay music artists in the music industry.
  6. R.I.P.
  7. Definitely waiting to see more dancing choreography from this music artist.
  8. Pop music sucks now more than pop music in the past in my opinion, so this "artist" needs to stop trying to be a pop diva and make music that is less digital, less superficial, less repetitive, and lyrically brilliant instead of lyrically ordinary for people who are too comfortable with having a small-minded vocabulary and small-minded inability to understand metaphors.
  9. Could stop smoking and start eating healthier and regularly exercising to improve their singing performance.
  10. Hope they didn't sell their soul for fame, but I'm not going have my hope blind me from reality completely.

Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Annabelle., Whitney Houston, Queen Latifah, Aretha Franklin, Janet Jackson, Cher, Adele, Carrie Underwood.
Okay so here's what we're going to do, the aim is to write 10 things about 10 people and then leave the names randomly so the people can guess how you feel about them.

I'll start.

1. I don't like you.

2. I don't like you.

3. I don't like you.


5. I don't like you.

6. I don't like you.

7. I don't like you.

8. I don't like you.

9. Actual human trash.

10. I don't like you.

chelle, morgan, orange, mark, iamcupcake, clare, anomalie, kate, dyke, damien

This was the biggest step towards bish hood πŸ˜‚. I’m glad I read it xD I hope not irl xD
  1. I think they need to make another song that sounds like reggae music.
  2. They should stop trying to sing and get throat surgery to fix their voice because it's getting worse, so I'm praying for their health.
  3. When I see them be brutally honest about things with their sexy pictures, I get turned on almost.
  4. Death came too soon for this person, and I haven't recovered from them dying still.
  5. Some time they need to make another music album to slay music artists in the music industry.
  6. R.I.P.
  7. Definitely waiting to see more dancing choreography from this music artist.
  8. Pop music sucks now more than pop music in the past in my opinion, so this "artist" needs to stop trying to be a pop diva and make music that is less digital, less superficial, less repetitive, and lyrically brilliant instead of lyrically ordinary for people who are too comfortable with having a small-minded vocabulary and small-minded inability to understand metaphors.
  9. Could stop smoking and start eating healthier and regularly exercising to improve their singing performance.
  10. Hope they didn't sell their soul for fame, but I'm not going have my hope blind me from reality completely.

Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Annabelle., Whitney Houston, Queen Latifah, Aretha Franklin, Janet Jackson, Cher, Adele, Carrie Underwood.

well i'm not dead and don't smoke or sing so i guess i'm 3
I'm bored, so here we go:

1 - I'm glad to see you haven't changed a bit :lol:
2 - I've often wondered what would happen if I reached out to say "hi", but then I remember the last thing you said to me, so... :dontknow:
3 - Stop shaping yourself to make me talk to you because much like "fetch", it ain't gonna happen.
4 - You do make me smile sometimes, but I worry about you - I should check in on you.
5 - Best person ever. I'm glad we're friends and I hope you stay in my life for a long-ass time.
6 - I'd like to high five you. In the face. With a chair.
7 - Our group chat has me rolling most days, but dude that video needs to be set on fire now, please :lmao:
8 - Unreal connection. It's crazy and I love it.
9 - It's sad that we drifted apart, but everything happens for a reason. I just have to trust there was a reason for that.
10 - Meh. No thanks.

No names because I'm a rebel like that.
1. I wonder where you are?
2. You are so lovely - you suit your username.
3. Stop pinching my crown, lol!
4. You seem a really nice person.
5. I'm proud of you even though you don't realise it.
6. I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
7. I wonder how it all worked out for you.
8. You're funny and you make me smile.
9. I wonder if we'll meet up again sometime?
10.I'm glad we met. It's always nice to see you.

No names; no pack drill! :D

2,3 & 4 thank you. <3
Nah,,,i m not a hater.:D

1- I love her the most when she is well pissed off banning me.
2- I like her when she is crying like some baby with supremacy toys taken away from her.
3- I adore her when she thinks she is a normal person and at the same time an admin in a porn room.
4 - I admire her when she possessed by the Jungle fewer rattling her rare cage.
5 - I;m literally shocked of how much can he drink during the day, its fantastic to measure the level of the blood VS alcohol in his body.


Erm, to be continued...
Last edited:
1. Victory is mine.
2. You are very cool.
3. Let's rumble in the jungle!
4. You exhaust me and I love it.
5. I love food and ffs no I'm not fat, can you cook?
6. What music do you like?
7. Victory is mine, again and again.
8. Look out!
9. You and you are very fun in a boring way!
10. I love you.

Just some people that come to mind.

11. Bye.
12. #ChopperWins
1. You're always nice to me and others.
2. You're beautiful inside and out.
3. You're handsome.
4. You are loved by many.
5. You're smart.
6. You're talented on your music instrument.
7. You are missed dearly.
8. You are always very helpful.
9. You are very funny in a good way.
10. Cares for others besides themselves.

1. @Ks_guy
2. @SerenityMoon
3. @Chopper, and more gentlemen on this site.
4. @Chatmaster
5. @Annie
6. @goon
7. @ Claire the admin for UM before in the past. I'm sorry I'd I spelled her name wrong.
8. @HR PufnStuf
9. @Kody Yang
10. @all the mods in general chat room and some other rooms too on chat ave.
11. Bonus one
Most folks on here I could really say nice things about many other folks on this site that are not mentioned to. Sorry if I did not mention you. You are still loved too. God bless you all. Take care!

All the best,
Princessa β™’Aquarius β™’βœ¨πŸ’“
Ooh you revived this thread!!! I’m going to do one with no names.
1. I really used to enjoy messaging with you just about random things. I am not sure what happened, I guess chat politics. I hope everything is going well.
2. I really dislike you to the point that you are literally the most hated person to me. I have no one in real life I really hate but you make my top one person who I just dislike.
3. You are a great person. We have our ups and downs in our friendship but I enjoy our friendship that we have.
4. A few months ago I would have done anything for you to message/text me back, but I’m honestly glad we aren’t friends anymore. You were extremely toxic to me. I wish you well.
5. I enjoy seeing you around forums a little bit. I’m glad we are FB friends still because I enjoy reading your posts. I miss the days in Video Chat when we would have the best conversations. You were like a sister to me back in those days.
6. For two different people who are still chat admins on this site: I miss the nights where we would all be on cam/mic in video chat having the time of our lives. Those were the simple days.
7. If we were still talking everyday we would have been on year 12 of our friendship. You really helped me when I was growing up. I also wish I was better at communicating what went wrong between us than just give up on what we had. I love my life now but you will always be in my heart.
8. You haven’t changed much(in the 14 years I’ve been on this forum with you.) Modding with you back in the day was ok. You are pretty funny but you’re just a **** sometimes.
9. I really like how you’re a chat admin now. You are a really nice person. You’ve been nothing but nice to me so you’re cool in my book. (This is for two users.)
10. You can be a real asshole to me but you’ve also been kind to me. Kind of miss our random chats.

All of these are people on forums. Lol
1. I’ve heard some crazy stuff about you. I’m not sure what’s true and what’s not.
2. Shut up you dumb, annoying, boring fish face twat.
3. I love that you’re just as sassy as ever. I have a lot of respect for the way you carry yourself and your dedication to this place. πŸ’œ
4. I think about you almost every day. I wish I could have recognized that you were hiding behind false confidence and truly hurting. If only I had a time machine.
5. We kept the drama top tier at all times. I bet we were a lot of like in many ways. Just know I only wish the best for you.
6. You were always checking in on me, thanks for your kindness and support.
7. Looks like you’ve grown up a lot.
8. I still have the sketch you drew of me. It’s much prettier than I could ever be.
9. I shall never weep!
10. I hope you’ve healed and you’re happy. I also hope you’re still writing. I loved your poems.

Chelle, Edd, Creed101, Morgan, Dyke, PurpleRose, StonedLeprechaun, Kelly, I don’t even remember this dumb hoes name but it’s that ugly blonde annoying girl that posts too much, MissTori