Beautiful Disaster

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Silver Member
Why the fuc does this btch always got something negative to say about ppl she claims as a p-o however nothing comes off her thumbs unless it's about children? Ummm starting to think her guilt is kicking in bc that's all she talks about.
Why the fuc does this btch always got something negative to say about ppl she claims as a p-o however nothing comes off her thumbs unless it's about children? Ummm starting to think her guilt is kicking in bc that's all she talks about.
You have children and are friends with someone that wants to date them.
That speaks volumes for your character.
You ok Sandy? Just need a little vent?
I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I'm jus sick of her and others talking about MY CHILDREN just bc I say hi and have conversations with ******** they don't like and accuse of being things.
I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I'm jus sick of her and others talking about MY CHILDREN just bc I say hi and have conversations with ******** they don't like and accuse of being things.
What I said was “she’s too old for him, he’d marry her daughter” then I rephrased and said “he’d marry anyone in here’s younger daughter”.
But it was ok when you were posting pics of my child and saying he was mentally challenged.
Funny how you don’t like it but it’s ok when you do it.
Maybe we should all remember that we’re adults and nobody should be mentioning anyone’s children. It’s bad enough having to deal with the actual pedo problems in every room, without regular users adding to the problems. I know I’m not a singles mod but maybe it would be better if you two ladies avoided talking about each other’s kids.
gene wilder frankenstein GIF by foxhorror
My looks (I look nothing like that) didn't matter when you used to hit on me. 😞

Hopefully you've deleted my photos you used to spam when you made room for photos of cha tters kids
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