Do any of us go to college??

college is for losers
jon stewart middle finger GIF
Great opportunity for me to explore new things and meet new people. Plus, I'm not happy at home. I don't get along with parents and I feel like they don't understand me and I need some space and freedom to be myself.
Ngl I wish I went to a 4 year university.. cause community colleges low key depressing. I even was accepted to one that I liked 💀 but last year I was kinda scared of being alone so I decided to stay near home.

Anyways I’m majoring in Biz Administration !
Good major

I went to a 4-year right out of high school and it was awesome, super social, great experience all around. Way too expensive (learned this instantly) ended up going through community college to get my bread up

Life experience is dope but not worth a decade of debt, you'll hit a 4-year to finish up and be glad in the end when your debt is half as high as your peers'