Festive Random Comments

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Clint Eastwood Eating GIF by GritTV
Well @Princessa. You got what you wanted if your reading this the teen admin you didn't like is gone

She was irritating and still not as irritating as you are.

You say you hate him, but you do everything to gain his attention. It's weird, creepy, and stupid. He's not even a decent calibre of man to chase after.

Random comment... Remember how long and how many threads it took to get Brightie and campy banned... Two actual paedos... But radiation, Baby U, and StubleU are gone within hours just for being either suspects or on a different site. We better all stop using ****** threads.
She was irritating and still not as irritating as you are.

You say you hate him, but you do everything to gain his attention. It's weird, creepy, and stupid. He's not even a decent calibre of man to chase after.

Random comment... Remember how long and how many threads it took to get Brightie and campy banned... Two actual paedos... But radiation, Baby U, and StubleU are gone within hours just for being either suspects or on a different site. We better all stop using ****** threads.
not only that thinking paul51uk being creepy.... but not her and him.

news flash- they both are.
Challenge accepted. Can I have directions please?
I will let Purplehose decide your fate. Its up to you purps. what shall I do with this lost cause? . Should I thrash or trash, maim or make lame?
I mean the old chatmaster never fussed or knew about the former adult admin's website, Cat Avenue.
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