Festive Random Comments

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Sorry I got completely confused lol
Its all good.... Your new here! 😁
Cat Remember GIF
also, i think its funny, hilarious actually, that there is no care, but 2 were made scape goats.

was it because theres actual care?
was it because one is actually too stupid to understand basic interneting 101 and now needs to save face?
I thought it was silly also that this whole thing is causing all curious users to visit the Godless site where we can read some WISE wisdom.
They put forth such effort to keeping a certain balding admin type rants about trolls and users private. I went there , looked. Not sure what the fuss is about there is not really all that much there and now because of all the fuss, everyone will go look. Instead of that guy saving face all he is doing is directing traffic to that site. I wonder if he gets a cut of the action? Maybe there is a super spy high up in chat avenue ranks.
He puts more effort into silencing people with legitimate concerns but can't give the same treatment towards users who only come here to engage in illegal activities.

As @BlackLivesMatter said, it's the Streisand effect. When you let it be known publicly not to look into something to protect yourself and others, the brain questions why such a thing would be kept secret. It never worked for the FBI who coined the term "conspiracy theories" to be used to discredit eyewitness accounts of UFOs.

This happened last time with the Sthcalguy situation that was again, handled poorly. You don't need a business degree in management to know how to handle these situations. Anyone with a functional brain would go to the root of the problem instead of letting it get to a point that point. Whistle blowers come about as a counter attack after bad things happen and the ones effected are silenced.
I thought it was silly also that this whole thing is causing all curious users to visit the Godless site where we can read some WISE wisdom.
They put forth such effort to keeping a certain balding admin type rants about trolls and users private. I went there , looked. Not sure what the fuss is about there is not really all that much there and now because of all the fuss, everyone will go look. Instead of that guy saving face all he is doing is directing traffic to that site. I wonder if he gets a cut of the action? Maybe there is a super spy high up in chat avenue ranks.
i think the fuss is about "the public" being told "no those arent the rules, these are my rules and your going to follow them because i have the button". yet its very clearly there in black and white that yes, the public was correct and the rules that were spouted wasnt correct. now theres no hiding behind anything or anyone. everyones (should be) on the same page.

He puts more effort into silencing people with legitimate concerns but can't give the same treatment towards users who only come here to engage in illegal activities.

As @BlackLivesMatter said, it's the Streisand effect. When you let it be known publicly not to look into something to protect yourself and others, the brain questions why such a thing would be kept secret. It never worked for the FBI who coined the term "conspiracy theories" to be used to discredit eyewitness accounts of UFOs.

This happened last time with the Sthcalguy situation that was again, handled poorly. You don't need a business degree in management to know how to handle these situations. Anyone with a functional brain would go to the root of the problem instead of letting it get to a point that point. Whistle blowers come about as a counter attack after bad things happen and the ones effected are silenced.
historically its always been handled poorly sthcalguy or not. however and i think this a large part of it, the guilty parties have done so much wrong, that others have been cloudfare blocked for before that the board is really shocked the correct heads arent rolling. its not like its hasnt been tried to be dealt with. soft spoken, hard spoken, open threads, moved threads, private mod forums threads, pms, emails, public s/m posts within the rules within the tos. with zero results. sometimes outside the rules is what gets results. in this instance, its not going away. and theyve made that perfectly clear. in truth owner of the other site should have stayed banned all those years ago. not one of us 3 understood the reasoning behind it because we saw this (not this exact but general this) coming then.

also ive been waiting for you! ive found the perfect soundtrack for the last 72 hrs* :
look at how easy it was to walk into that vault...

*heads should roll, no doubt, the CORRECT ones with the correct rules with the correct consequences.
I'm one of the only real christians left me Chance Wilkins. I am the one that is going to the afterlife, god has blessed me with intelligence, strength, power, greatness.
Odd that My Birthday Moth hearted your reply. You clearly state that only you will experience afterlife , Others including that woman will not be getting into heaven. She should of ketchup faced you off the face of the earth.
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