Have you ever? (Game)

It's not entirely ridiculous. I know someone that did.

No I'm fairly well organised

Have you ever missed a deadline at work?
Yes. I almost did. I stayed there for 6 months but the language barrier made it quite tough.

Have you?
I was planning on retiring at 35 lol but I have quite a cushy WFH job so I'm not in a hurry anymore.

Have you ever told a lie to spare someone's feelings?
I think most people have to at some point

Have you ever realised that a friendship was one sided?
I've caught my brother lying loads of times. I call him out though

Have you ever ignored someone lying rather than challenge it?
For inconsequential things, maybe. But I generally prefer the naked truth and demand it.

Have you ever been to Asia?
No. I'm a travel bug so I'd be interested to know what the best places to visit are.

Have you gone on a road trip in the past few months?
That depends on what you want to see really.

No but I'm going to Italy in June.

Have you ever been hillwalking?
I hate you. I've been putting off doing a Euro trip. Will you go to Rome and Florence?

Yes, I have. The longest was probably 4hrs. The view was totally worth it.

Have you gone zip lining?
I hate you. I've been putting off doing a Euro trip. Will you go to Rome and Florence?

Yes, I have. The longest was probably 4hrs. The view was totally worth it.

Have you gone zip lining?
No and I don’t plan on it.

Have you ever been on a cruise?