Is climate change real?

Climate Change is real, is it some emergency where if we don't do something about it in the next 10 years, we are all doom, no. Some proposal I don't like as it would negatively impact the lives of millions maybe even billions. There are some proposals I do like for having alternative energy source and slowly building that up.

  • Having more solar panels in areas that are more viable such as flat rural areas that get lots of sunlight. This doesn't mean to soley rely on solar panels as they are not as efficient to your fossil fuels counterparts because solar panels doesn't have a high conversion rate of energy. Residential use of solar panels does make sense as the energy demands from homes can upkeep with solar panels. again, this doesn't mean get rid of your oil or gas fired heating source, but the more we can have homes and businesses be less reliant on a PowerGrid, the less strain gets put on a PowerGrid. solar panels are also great so if the grid goes down at least people still have power, solar batteries are still really expensive and can't hold a lot of electricity but I def support the continue funding the research to make them better and cheaper. STILL KEEP YOUR GAS GENERATOR!
  • Geothermal is also great for homes that are in areas where that is an option, it does show it be really efficient with transferring its energy and is great because you don't need to rely on gas or oil. The cost and maintenance is pretty high compared to your traditional gas and oil heat source though and again, not everyone can get geothermal.
  • having power grids be built underground instead of above ground is great as it is more resistant to the elements and weather.
  • my knowledge on wind energy is limited but im pretty sure its less efficient than solar, you need massive land plots to install them, and the cost and maintenance is pretty damn high so i find it to be pointless and not worth the funding.
  • hydro energy is great.
Maybe if we plant more trees and build cities under trees or around trees we could then reverse effects as trees and plants make oxygen and the more trees we kill the less we have oxygen
Climate change predictions from the "experts" 1. April 1970, Air pollution "expert" James Lodge "Air pollution may obliterate the sun and cause a new ice age in the first third of the new century" 2.April 1970 Boston globe article, "Scientists predict a new ice age by 21st century 3. July 1971 washington Post article citing a nasa scientist " The world could be as little as 50 years away from a disastrous new ice age 4.January 1974 guardian newspaper "space satellites show new ice coming fast"

5.January 1978 New york times article "An international team of specialists have concluded from eight indexes of climate that there is no end in sight to the cooling trend of the last 30 years, at least in the northern hemisphere 6. February 1979 New york times article "There is a real possibility that some people now in their infancy will live to a time when the ice at the North Pole will have melted, a change that will cause swift and catastrophic changes in climate 7.May 1982 New York Times article citing the executive director of the united nations environmental program "If the world doesn't change course it will face an environmental catastrophe which will witness devastation as complete, as irreversible, as any nuclear holocaust by the year 2000.

8. September 1988 "The Maldives will have a gradual rise in sea level, in 30 years the end of the Maldives and it's people, could come sooner if drinking water supplies dry up by 1992 as predicted 9.June 1989 San Jose Mercury news article " A senior environmental official at the United nations, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000. 10. March 2000 The independent article by Charles Onians "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past, children aren't going to know what snow is, within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event in the uk"

11.December 2001 George Hurtt, co- author of a 2001 global warming report commissioned by the US Congress "The changes in climate could potentially extirpate "eradicate, destroy" the sugar maple industry in New England. 12. January 2006 Al Gore " Unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years the world will reach a point of no return" 13. November 2007 Canwest news service, in canada citing a "climate expert" " The artic ocean could be free of ice as soon as 2010 or 2015, something that hasn't happened in more than a million years 14. December 2007 Associated press article citing a Nasa scientist "At this rate, the artic ocean could be nearly ice- free at the end of summer 2012

15. April 2008 New scientist magazine article citing the director of the national snow and ice data centre " The North Pole could be ice free in 2008, there is this thin first year ice even at the north Pole at the moment, that raises the spector the possibility that you could become ice free at the North Pole this year 16 June 2008 National Geographic News article citing an environmental scientist " we're actually projecting this year that the North Pole may be free of ice for the first time in history
Continued - 17. June 2008, same month, The associated press citing a Nasa scientist " In 5 to 10 years the artic will be free of ice in the summer 18 .December 2009, Former us vice president Al Gore " the artic ocean may be nearly ice- free in summer as early as 2014" 19. September 2012. The Australian newspaper article " Enjoy snow now, by 2020 it will be gone" 20. July 2013. Professor Peter Wadhams, Co- author of New nature paper on costs of artic warning " ice free artic in two years heralds methane catastrophe" 21. January 2018 Forbes article citing a harvard University professor " The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the artic after 2022 is essentially zero" 22. June 2018. Greta Thunberg on twitter " A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years"
Can you see a pattern here ^^ 🤔
The pattern is anthropogenic climate change and a rapid change in the rate of change of the global mean surface temperature.

The science is quite solid on this.
The pattern is anthropogenic climate change and a rapid change in the rate of change of the global mean surface temperature.

The science is quite solid on this.
jesus bless GIF by funk
@Inkandtatts you created this thread, if you scroll up you will see my posts. 22 times the climate "experts" got it wrong. There is a litany of wrong predictions but I gave 22 of them.
Is it real? Of course it is the planets climate is cyclical it changes. Is it a "climate emergency" ? No its just s climate emergency fear narrative and more people die from the cold than from the heat.

The elites lecture us about climate change while taking private jets everywhere, all the fear mongering, the predictions of the climate activists in the 80's 90's 2000's did not happen.Many people will die from the cost of living because of "green energy"

Oh dear, is little man a climate change denier as well as all of his other dogma driven drivel?

I should have expected that really.
oh dear, blue hair you clearly don't have a good memory. You qouted my above post on page 2 of this thread. You're a biology denier, you also resorted to making racist comments about me in another thread,

You done the same with other people. You called me "gammon" made derogatory remarks about "gammons" and that's a racist slur against white people. Feel free to apologise to me any time...
Firstly, I do not make racist comments. Show me the supposed "racist" comment that I made or apologise.

Biology denier? That'll be because I call out you constant transphobia then. I'll remind you that gender is a social construct and not biology. I assume you weren't strong in the sciences at school.

Gammons is not a racist slur you idiot in the same way that you constantly refer to me as a "blue hair" whatever that's supposed to mean isn't. A gammon is someone that has prejudiced views. You clearly have those.

Finally, climate change just about adds the cherry to the dogmatically constructed cake and icing.
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Seriously, why do you start these religious agenda driven threads? Are you incapable of steering away from this? Is this your life's goal to try to force your extremist views on others constantly? It's tiresome and you don't actually debate worth a damn.

For my part the more gammon raging the changes cause, the better. Idris Elba for 007!

It'll go from strength to strength. Just because you're uncomfortable with social change doesn't mean that all of the fanbase is especially with Russell T. Davis back in the writing role. Look at the whining that happened when Jodie Whittaker was announced. It all worked out fine and if a few gammons stopped watching then who actually cares?

Excellent news. I predict abundant gammon strokes :ROFLMAO:
There you go 3 examples of you making racist comments. "Gammon" is absolutely a racist slur used against white people. Gender is not a "social construct" idiot. Are you denying that you're a biology denier?
Firstly, I do not make racist comments. Show me the supposed "racist" comment that I made or apologise.

Biology denier? That'll be because I call out you constant transphobia then. I'll remind you that gender is a social construct and not biology. I assume you weren't strong in the sciences at school.

Gammons is not a racist slur you idiot in the same way that you constantly refer to me as a "blue hair" whatever that's supposed to mean isn't. A gammon is someone that has prejudiced views. You clearly have those.

Finally, climate change just about adds the cherry to the dogmatically constructed cake and icing. You're an idiot.
@emileh see above, penultimate post
I'll apologise for calling you an idiot. You're really not an idiot, you're actually a moron.

Let me repeat myself:

Gammons is not a racist slur you moron, in the same way that you constantly refer to me as a "blue hair" whatever that's supposed to mean isn't. A gammon is someone that has both very right wing and very prejudiced views. You clearly have those.

Funny how when you qouted my post you ommited the part with me giving 3 examples of you using racial slurs. It's not a racist slur? ok sure keep telling yourself that.