Need mods to be in teen more often.

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D pics everywhere. Yep I report em all but either nothing happens or they come right tf back.
This is posted in the site's terms and conditions: "

12. Monitoring and Enforcement​

This website has chat moderators and administrators in every room. However, they may not be present 24 hours a day.

I think @Annie is still TC Admin, and you can take your concerns directly to her- since you posted similar topics and had been answered: Closed
After hours of waiting to report pedos... NO FREAKING MODS!!!! WAKE TF UP CM!!!! I report and nothing happens. EVER. ITS FUCKED UP!!!! IM PUSHING FOR POLICE INVOLVEMENT AND ITS GONNA HAPPEN.
After hours of waiting to report pedos... NO FREAKING MODS!!!! WAKE TF UP CM!!!! I report and nothing happens. EVER. ITS FUCKED UP!!!! IM PUSHING FOR POLICE INVOLVEMENT AND ITS GONNA HAPPEN.
Still no mod. What the freaking ****?
The most under modded, perverted, sickening🤮, pedo condoned room in all of chat. D pics are actually liked by other pervs and ignored by staff. I report them all. If they do happen to get kicked they come right tf back. There's not many real teens in there. All old people looking for underage girls and now boys. Ok dynamicdylan, your turn. Prove me wrong assmop. I have proof you're in favor of gay boys. Colonel cook with a "c".
No ur a pos power hungry lizard
Thank U GIF
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